...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Eibisch FAQ, Take 1

October 2002 ... 10:44 p.m.

Eibisch FAQ, Take 1

Okay, okay! It�s Wednesday instead of Tuesday. My Autumnal ennui has once more reared its ugly head.

1. Why do you write an online diary?
I don�t really have a good reason, I guess. I�m not trying to become a better writer. I�m not keeping a journal for my children. I like the temporary escapism mostly.

2. What is an �Eibisch�?
Well, �eibisch� is the German word for marshmallow. Kind of. I believe it�s literally the word for mallow. My mom used to call me �eibisch� as a term of endearment.

Or a scathing, bilingual critique of my elementary aged physique. I�m just not sure.

Ooo! And look! I rhymed!

3. What�s the deal with all the pseudonyms?
I don�t want anyone to surf in and find what I�ve said about them. If they googled their own name or something. Not that I do that. I�m just saying that some people do.

4. Why do you live at home if you hate it so much?
I don�t detest my family or living with them. Honest. It�s just...well...I�m 25 and I would like my own place. My own life. A modicum of privacy. Something.

Another reason is financial. I lost my job and two roommates at the same time. No way could I afford rent. My mom, who was in the process of adopting my much younger brother, made me an offer. Free room if I helped with my brother for one year. I agreed. But notice the word �helped�? Apparently, in Mom-ese, that means �raise almost exclusively�. Although that has come to a recent halt.

5. Why do you want to leave Iowa so much?
I just want a change of scenery. I lived in North Carolina for a while and I enjoyed it. It wasn�t being in NC so much as it was not being in Iowa. There are good things and bad things about Iowa, the same as everywhere else. I just think I�m ready to find the good and bad about somewhere else.

Also, I don�t care much for snow.

6. Why do you hate your coach?/Who is �Captain Gel�?/Why do you call him �Captain Gel�?
First, he is not my coach. He coaches for the U of Iowa. I have personal reasons why I dislike him. He treated a very good friend of mine very, very badly. I am an intensely loyal person. You do not mess with my family or friends. But, personal reasons aside, I adored the coach we had before him--Dr. Tom Davis. The epitome of class. Ask Dick Vitale. But Captain Gel took over and the basketball program has been rapidly gaining momentum as it races downhill (more below) I refer to S t e v e A l f o r d as Captain Gel. Why? The next time you happen to catch an Iowa game--check out his oh-so-perfect coiffure. It hasn�t moved since 1984. I�m serious.

By the way, I also call him Coach Sucks-a-lot. That, I assume, needs no explanation.

7. Do you really like Elvis?

8. That much?
And then some.

9. Elvis and Weezer. Weird.
Is that a question?

10. Who is your favorite Weezer bassist? Why?
Mikey Welsh. Because he�s Mikey. Mmmmm.....Mikey.

Island In The Sun video. Numero uno. The Mexican wedding one. Oh yeah. I�d run away with Mikey.

I mean I like Scott a lot, too. He fills out a pair of pants nicely. And we all know I'm a butt girl. Wait. Can I have them both?

Although this doesn�t seem relevant to anything happening in the universe right now, I got a surprising amount of e-mail voicing that question. Is there some kind of Weezer Bassist War going on that I don't know about?

That�s it for part one.

Today, I baked some of my famous chocolate fudge nut bars. I heart those things. And I made some pickles. Well, not the actual pickles. I buy dill pickles, slather them with cream cheese, wrap them in dried beef and cut them into bite size pieces. Yummy salty goodness! It really is quite good, don�t knock it until you�ve tried it.

Remember a few entries ago when I said really bad news was coming from/for the Iowa men�s basketball team? Well, the crap hath hitteth the fan

Currently Reading: The Red Tent by Anita Diamant

Listening To: The Kickovers


Have a happy day!

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