...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

I Need to Update More

October 2002 ... 2:03 p.m.

I Need to Update More

But, really. Does my life revolve around diaries?
No! I have Harry Potter on DVD and Survivor V! That�s what my life revolves around!

Just kidding!

Or am I?

I have a headache.
And an earache.
And a sore throat.
And I think I�ve come down with some sort of West Nile mutant death virus.

I�m sure I�ll be fine.

Guess what?

I GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!

Yay me!

It�s some crappy hours--1 am to 10 am, Monday through Friday. I get to bake! Yay me! I don�t start until next week--so no need to worry about spreading mutant death contagions through Iowa and the U.S. via otherwise delectable baked goods.

So, maybe I�ll finally be able to get a gold membership and design a cool layout and put up pictures and...stuff.

[insert Eibisch happy-but-lame-because-my-white-cells-are-total-slackers-dance]

My brother has a new favorite saying. He somehow manages to make it rhyme and he says it all the time.
�Stay put, Harry Potter.�

I don�t even know what that means.

I really need to find some new diaries to read. I ended up taking most off my favorites list because they haven�t updated in a month of Sundays or they locked their diaries. I just don�t have the time to go around begging people for their passwords. I don�t want to read your diary that badly, anyway. I mean, really, who do you think you are? UncleBob? Weetabix?

So...anywho...I�m open to suggestions.

I�m sorting through questions that have been sent to me. I�m going to do an Eibisch FAQ entry.
Because I get weird e-mail.
And I�m kind of lazy.

So if you have burning questions that need answers, send them my way. I mean questions relating to me in some way. I do not know the meaning of life, so don�t ask.
Well, actually, I do. But if I told you, I�d have to kill you. Which would render the entire scenario moot.

I should have something no later than Saturday-ish. I have to pick really good ones and/or ones that I have clever and witty replies, that may or may not be wholly truthful, for.

And by �Saturday-ish�, I actually mean �Tuesday.�

I have a job!
I have a job!
I have a job!

So...Cousin #1. The one with �the smart daughter� and the pregnant, still married girlfriend? Well, okay, her divorce went through a few weeks ago. Whatever. They�re having a boy. And naming him with the same first name as my brother. They even plan to use the same nickname.

Go buy a baby name book. Make one up. Sheesh. Nobody in my family is creative. I used to like the names Creighton and Seton. Yes, both universities. Your point is? Anyway, my mom said she�d have me committed if I used those names. Mind you, I was in 7th grade, they sounded cool at the time and it was egg baby time. My egg babies were Creighton, Seton and...Jane. Oh, what? I couldn�t think of anything and my Home Ec teacher was exerting tremendous pressure on me.

Amusing side note: my Home Ec teacher�s name was Cherry Dickey. Yes it was.

Anyway, my two cousins who have kids have named them Brittany and Michaela.

But I�m the one threatened with committal. Yeah.

I have a mailbox full of e-mail that I've sent to myself. With little reminders in the "Subject" line. Like "ebay--japanese anime shirt" and "proper usage of epigone in sentence?"

Am I the only one who does this stuff? That was rhetorical, I don�t really want answers. Because I�ll feel like a dork.

Thought I�d share.

It has been cool and rainy here for a while. I actually broke out my pajama pants. Okay, they�re just sweatpants. Whatever. I couldn�t wear them though, I just couldn�t pack away my summer pjs. I have an unnatural fondness for my summer pjs--all of which have some sort of fruit on them. I don�t know if that means anything. And now it�s warm and sunny! Rock!

I went all postal this weekend on my mom and sister. I should not be proud of that, and I�m not, but I just lost it. Can�t remember exactly why, but it had to do with my brother (he was not there to witness this). Of course. I finally told Mom, in no uncertain terms, that I was here for only one year and then I would be transferring (hopefully out-of-state) and that I was not putting off anymore school and some other stuff. I think they were shocked that I had this huge outburst, first of all. I don�t get angry very often, I just don�t. And when I do, I normally sequester myself in my room. If I�m really mad, I scrub the bathroom. I don�t know why. It�s an Eibisch thing.

Anyway, they were shocked. Then, I think, they figured if it was enough to make me lose my temper, then it was important. And, for several days, they�ve been acting more like a mother and sister. So that�s good. Except now I�m chopped liver to the boy. But that�s okay. Especially because once he figures out who has all the gum, I�ll be cool again.

Currently Reading: The Red Tent by Anita Diamant

Listening To: the late, great Mr. Charles Hardin Holley


Have a happy day!

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