...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Maybe Camus Was On To Something

June 15, 2004 ... 6:27 p.m.

Philosophy Prof: �Eibisch, please, 88 is not that bad.�
Eibisch: �Where is an oncoming semi when you need one?�

If I was on the second floor of this house, I would be contemplating hurling myself out a window to the sweet release of death. As I am to lazy to go all the way upstairs, though, I�ll just moan about my misfortune here.

Midterm. 88/100. �B�. B I hate hate hate Bs. I missed 10 points on my essay and 1 point on the short answer section.

Short answer question: Explain the philosophical problem of �evil�.

Okay, first I philosophically have a problem with the term �evil�. What is evil? If there is no God (philosophically, mind you)--is there such a thing as evil? Who determines what evil is? �Evil� is a very subjective term. Sometimes, I think my cat is evil. I thought D@hmer was evil. What about Mich@el J@ckson? Is he evil? Is O.J.? Evil? Batshit crazy? Who gets to say?

Anyway ... the answer: �An all powerful God would be able to stop evil. Even if the evil-doer is punished in the afterlife, that does no good. Because the evil has already been done and the suffering of the victim cannot be undone.�

Philosophically assuming that �evil� does exist and that there is an afterlife, of course.

She took a point off because I did not also refer to God as �all loving�.

First--that is assuming, once again, that God exists.**

Second--Again, what is considered evil? Anything that hurts you? Even a loving parent has to let their kid get a scraped knee once in a while.

Third--Say that absolutely, no philosophical doubt about it, God does exist ... which one? All religions aside, which Christian God? �All loving�, eh? So you mean the New Testament �lovey dovey shmoopie shmoopie� God? What about the Old Testament �I don�t give a crap if you love me, but you WILL fear me� God? Because that God would allow evil to bitch-slap us around just for not keeping the Sabbath. Maybe I was referring to that God. She doesn�t know. And the question never referred to Shmoopie God. It didn�t refer to Scary Dude God, either. But still. Count it wrong because I didn�t add �and all loving�? I consider THAT evil and Shmoopie God should�ve stopped it.

But He didn�t. So, obviously, there is no God. No Shmoopie God, anyway. It could be Scary Dude God and He could smite me down the second I post this.

The essay was to discuss Descartes� Dream Theory and the original interpretation, the original interpretation�s fallacy and the modern interpretation. Which, according to her, apparently has no fallacy. I wrote the essay. I wrote a thoroughly descriptive and though-out essay. My essay was kick ass. BUT, apparently, I did not discuss the modern interpretation to her satisfaction. For which I have this to say: duh. The modern interpretation adds TWO words to the original. No, wait--it�s the same word added twice. I explained it, though. I quoted it. But noooo. I did not thoroughly gush over the brilliance of the interpretation.

An interpretation, by the way, written by one of her �brilliant� professors.

No bias there.

I realize most of you have either stopped reading this or have no idea what I�m talking about. Sorry, but it�s on my mind.

**--I believe in God. It�s just that, in this particular class, we read arguments against the existence of God. In essence, for the purposes of this class, there is no God. But the question ... oh, forget it.

I came home today and settled in to watch �Touching Evil� and my cat (evil!) started puking. Which is not a rarity, what with him being a cat and all. But, sweet fancy blue suede shoes, the stench! I do not know what this cat has been eating, but I am not entirely certain that it was not some sun-ripened, maggot-riddled skunk carcass. I almost puked.

When he was done, he hopped up on the couch with a �Who me?� look. Lord. I can�t even look him in the eye.

The pool will be ready tomorrow. Also tomorrow, we get new counter tops in the kitchen. Someday, I�ll take you on a photo tour of my abode--just like Lee.

Note to whoever Googled me with �elvis sucks�:
YOU suck.


Note to Jeffrey Donovan:
Marry me. Seriously. Unless you�re already married. In that case--divorce her, marry me. Since �Kyle�, baby. Seriously. Kyle.


Currently Reading: Lost In A Good Book by Jasper Fforde

Listening To: 11 by the Smithereens

Have a happy day!

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