...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Murphy's Law. Again.

August 04, 2003 ... 10:42 p.m.

History teacher: �Can you take a little constructive criticism?�
Eibisch: �No.�

Okay. I have the BEST excuse for not updating! But before I tell you why, read what I started writing last Tuesday.

I am so very tired today. I haven�t gotten much sleep in the last few days. Mom has taken sick days from work. Joy. My brother�s birthday was yesterday and, for a week, he�s been hysterically giddy. And loud.

Mom�s sick, so she takes a few days off. I�m a walking immune deficiency experiment and I�m hauling my diseased butt to work. But, you know, whatever.

I had class last night and I should�ve learned how I did on the Big Ass History #2. But no. They were not corrected. I�m not worried, but I am impatient. I have Bigger Big Ass History Exam #3 on Monday. My historical �sketch�--5 to 6 pages--is also due Monday. My topic is Rudolph Valentino.

Rudolph Valentino. Not that interesting. At all.

How I get myself into these things, I do not know.

I saw Bootsie poking around Diaryland a couple of days ago. If she finds my site, it will all be over. Yep. THE END. Oh, I�ll just start a new one. But still. Yes, yes...I know it will be hard on my 2 loyal readers.

Three, if you count Jade Puget googling himself.
Not that he does that.
It could happen, though.
Hi, Jade.

Anyway, y�all can figure out how to search Diaryland diaries, right? And how many people list the Plain White T�s as a favorite band? Hmmm?

I�m not expecting supersleuths here.

I am having one of those days where nothing, absolutely nothing, goes right. First, my computer went all haywire and I spent 4� hours on hold for tech support.

At 5--flippin�--a--flippin�--m.

Because they don�t answer during regular hours. They may be vampires. In which case, I totally understand the aversion to sunlight. You know...sun...vampire...*poof*. Not really conducive to 401K planning. But, really, shouldn�t they alert consumers?

In case of emergency, call at ungodly hours because our staff consists entirely of semi-mythical creatures called vampires, for whom daylight is deadly. In order to ensure employee safety, we disregard any incoming during what we deem as �regular business hours�. Also, your call may be monitored to ensure satisfactory performance.

And *THAT* is where my computer died. Exactly after typing that. Took it to Best Buy. They ran diagnostics. Turns out I need a new motherboard. Yay. Okay, so Best Buy�ll slip one of them bad boys in, I�ll browse around the music section looking for some decent music that I won�t find and I�ll be out of there in what? 20 minutes, tops?

Oh, sure, it sounds like a good plan. But see, we here at Best Buy suck mildewed monkey fur and do not sell parts for computers. Oh yes, we sell computers but our store is basically an electronic KMART with crappier music selection and employees who may or may not have made it through the fourth grade. Sure, you can order that part easily enough. But not here. We don�t do that, either. But, once you get the part, we can install it. Yes, miss, we do have opposable thumbs that would enable us to do so.

So, I took my computer elsewhere. They lied about the time. They lied about the cost. I don�t think they were truthful about anything. I finally got my computer earlier today. Jerks.

And to top the computer mess off--I lost my Rudolph Valentino paper. It was just a couple of paragraphs because I procrastinate. But still. So, I go to the library to get some real info so I don�t have to b.s. my way through 6 typed, double spaced pages. I could�ve handled 2, maybe three. 3�, tops. I�m good, but I�m not that good.

Ha HA, though! The library has no books on the elusive Mr. Valentino. They check around for me. La la la. Oh! The U of Iowa library has several.

Yes! God loves me!

I start doing the math in my head...okay, it�s a quarter after five...Iowa City is 20 minutes away...they don�t close until 9pm......DUN DUN DUN!!!

The Summer semester just ended today and, ha ha, the library�s new hours just went into effect--they close at 6.

God is a fickle, fickle deity.

I figure...eh...I�ll just go on Saturday. Saturday morning comes and my grandpa calls. They need help because their toilet has backed up. So, Mom and Bootsie head on over to work on it. My grandparents end up buying another toilet. Mom and Bootsie install it and we head off to the U of I.

Ah, the glorious bounty of tomes about Rudolph Valentino! I load up and glance through a few on the way to the check-out desk, which closes in 10 minutes. I put the books on the counter and hand over my card. Expired. Expired?!?! Okay, okay. Just renew the dang thing, I have a huge paper due Monday!

Oh, I�m sorry--you have to renew it at the desk at the other exit.

Okay. We rush to the other desk. Which is dark and empty. We rush back to the first desk in semi-panic mode.

Yeah. Right. See, that desk is closed on weekends.

It was all I could to keep myself from hurtling over the counter and throttling her.

I have time to jot down some notes. So, I have to write a 5 to 6 page paper on Valentino. I have two books that briefly mention his death, 2 pages of hastily scribbled notes and my computer is being held captive by some kind untruthful pc subversives.

But wait! There is the old computer in the basement! Yay! It works! It runs AOL 2.5, but it works!

Paper typed, catastrophe averted.

I got a �B� on Big Ass History Exam #2. Why? Get this--I forgot to do an entire page of multiple choice questions. 10 points down the drain.

I hate �B�s, too. I hate them worse than �C�s. It�s like saying that if I had tried a fraction harder, I would�ve had an �A�. But no. Like I�m just lazy.

Which I am usually, just not schoolwise.

I should get an �A� based solely on the effort to merely produce this paper, let alone the dynamic content.

Currently Reading: When Help Never Came by Quentin Sabotta.
Bataan and Corregidor survivor and former WWII POW--he just lectured in my class

Listening To: =w=
...that�s alright, that�s okay I�ll keep holding on today...

Have a happy day!

7 ... 8
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