...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

The Mind's The Thing

June 09, 2004 ... 9:24 p.m.

[picking a fight at a basketball game]
Annoying Lady: �I don�t know who you think you are...�
Eibisch: �Huh. Judging from the way you run your mouth, I�d think you knew everything.�

I am so tired. I think it�s because I started Judaism, Christianity & Islam Monday. I have two hours of Philosophy, followed by two hours of J, C & I. Monday night, I had to read 53 pages for both classes combined!

In J, C &I, there are 9 students. 4 guys. And every single one of them is blond. One of the girls is just stupid. It�s not like she just hasn�t been exposed to the class topics--she�s a moron. And one of the guys is a total flamer. Ohmigawd--I was shocked when the sprinkler system didn�t go off as he walked in the room. Also, he has a bleached blond mohawk. Which is cool.

Because we had a quiz Tuesday (day #2) for J, C & I, I really pored over the chapters. When class started , our teacher walked in and said �Who wants to review? Who wants to take the quiz and go?� The vote was 8 to 1. Can we all guess who the lone wannabe quiz taker was?

Yep. Me. Because I did this really strange thing--I read the assigned material. Apparently, I�ve lost my mind. I didn�t need to read because he went over everything. For 1 hour and 45 minutes. What. Ever.

Got the quiz back and I missed one. What? I answered �A� and the correct answer was �A�. It was one of those fill in the circle things and I just didn�t shade it in enough. Teacher Dude corrected it, though. We have another quiz tomorrow and I am not even reading the assignment for a couple of reasons. 1--It�s over the story of creation (Genesis), Eden and the Enuma Elish which I already know. And, 2--he�s gonna review it all anyway.

For J, C & I, we are required to visit a worship service outside our denomination. Or Temple Judah. Or the local Mosque. Is this legal? I don�t mind checking out other religions, but I have issues with it being a requirement.

I�m deciding between going to services at my aunt�s Assembly of God church or visiting Temple Judah and seeing a Jewish service. I�ve been to my aunt�s church before and I like it and all, but I have never been to a Jewish service. I have been to Passover seder--Temple Judah holds one every year and invites all area church members. Meh. I�ve got time to decide.

I like the class, but it drags on and on and on.

I also have my midterm in Philosophy tomorrow. Gah. We also got back our last quiz and our obituary. On the quiz I got 5 of 10. That is so bad, but I was expecting 0 of 10, because the question asked us to describe Pascal�s Wager for the existence of God--which is not difficult. But I wrote down St. Anselm�s ontological argument. I still got half credit, though. So ... woo. On my obituary, I got 10 of 10. Not sure how to feel about that. Yay--I�ll have a decent write up when I die! Yay!

It�s been very hot and humid for the past few days. I�ve been sticking to my bed sheets. Mom and Bootsie have been using their ceiling fans. 4 bedrooms in this house. 3 have ceiling fans. Guess whose bedroom does not have one? Yep. Mine.

What I do have is a toad--a very large toad--who has taken up residence beneath my window. He croaks all night long. All. Night. Long. I caught him a few weeks ago and measured him. He is five inches wide. He�s huge. And yicky. And lonely. And LOUD.

I have named him Arturo.

We�re in the process of setting up the pool. Once that happens, I may forget you all. Sorry.

My family reunion is Saturday and that is way too soon. It seems like it should be a month or so away.

Sorry this hasn�t been a real update, I�m just a little frazzled with these classes. They�re demanding and I have to turn off one to work on the other because the subjects do not compliment each other and I can�t use arguments from one class in the other.

Yes, yes. It's all very sad.

I�ll have a better entry tomorrow or Friday.

Currently Reading: Lost In A Good Book by Jasper Fforde

Listening To: 11 by the Smithereens
...I wanna tell them all to go to hell, that we're doing very well without them, you see...

Have a happy day!

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