...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Maybe Shrek 2 Will Be Better

May 21, 2004 ... 8:16 p.m.

TV Guy: �The gospel of our Lord is not to be spread by force or violence.�
Eibisch: �Which, incidentally, was the motto of the Crusades.�

Went and saw �Troy� with Nick. I was a bit disappointed in the storytelling. The backstory of Helen/Paris is really very interesting and really would have set up the movie better. Just an opinion. But, geez, I just do not get the Brad Pitt thing. The guy reminds me of a Great Dane. Thank God for Orlando Bloom.

Had fun, though. I had licorice and a Fruitopia drink, Nick got peanut M&Ms. He couldn�t open them and ended up ripping the pack and flinging the candies everywhere. One hit a guy in the head and I could not stop myself from laughing, which started Nick laughing and a group of teenage girls started tossing popcorn at us to shut us up. Excuse me. Were they desperately afraid of missing the car commercial?

It was a crappy day, so I just came home and lazed around. I watched An Affair to Remember.


I love that movie.

I came upstairs afterwards and got online for, I don�t know, maybe 5 minutes. And then the severe weather alarms went off, advising us to SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY. Normally, if my cat isn�t freaking out--I figure it�s cool. My cat is not to be trusted. He just slept. Through THIRTEEN tornadoes. Seriously. 13. In eastern Iowa, I mean, not my backyard.

We decided that it was a good thing Iowa got it and not the New England area. Because those people, for all their tough talk, would already be asking for Federal Disaster relief.

Oh you would, too. Shut it.

They get half a foot of snow and it�s the Great Blizzard of Aught Four. They�re buried, shutting down City Halls and burning school desks for heat.

Iowans are like �Hmm. Guess it�s time for jeans.� And Wisconsonites are laying out to get tans. Try us in February. We have to tunnel to our cars.

When they�re in the garage.

Okay, allow me to clarify: I am using hyperbole. Not every New Englander is a weenie. Duh.

The wedding fallout continues. Ivy �forgot� to invite my great-aunt and uncle. She invited friends of my grandparents, though. My great-aunt is absolutely crushed. Ivy�s response: �The family reunion is only a few weeks away, we�ll say something then.�

Good idea. Never mind that she was in tears, wondering if she�d done something wrong--say something in a few weeks. Brilliant.

Currently Reading: The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory
Thank you, MeeshaPeesha.

Listening To: =w=
...'Cause everybody wants some love, shooting from the stars above...

Have a happy day!

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