...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Wanna See Me Conga?

May 07, 2004 ... 4:55 p.m.

Oscar: �What are you smoking? You look just like your mom!�
Eibisch: �I look like my father.�
Oscar: �Were your parents twins?�

Yep. Edited. So?

Hey, I added several photos to my photo section.

Including one of ... drumroll, please ... EvilJD. That�s right.

And ... and ... AND ... one of me dancing.

Yes. Dancing.
In a conga line.
With a waiter.
Named Supar.
In a Hawaiian shirt.

He was nice and, you know what? Sometimes it�s fun to be me. I�m going to add a few more in a couple of days. Such excitement!

My mom won a Tiffany lamp. She thinks it is ugly, I love it. I�m crazy for stained glass or suncatchers. I love suncatchers. I don�t actually have any right now, though. I just realized that. I must remedy this situation posthaste. Which means I�ll get to it in a few months.

Went to the farmer�s market today. Bought nothing. It�s still early for any kind of produce and most of the vendors just had baked goods.

And I need no help in that area. Except gooseberry pies. But, you know, whatever.

I called my dentist to make an appointment for a check up. Once again, his reserve unit has been called to the Middle East. Recalled, I should say.

Damn Osama bin Laden and dentist stealing Islamic jihad.

I should convert to Judaism just to piss him off. Shalom, jackass--there�s one more Jew in the world. How you like them apples, Sammy?

I should ... but I like pepperoni too much.

I went to a CR Kernels (get it? Iowa ... corn ... kernels? Ahahaha ... puke) yesterday. I ended up leaving and hour-and-a-half into the game, because the sky got really dark and it suddenly became very humid. I would�ve bet my my sister�s life that it was going to rain. No sooner did I get home than the sky cleared up. Which sucked, but the game ended up going 12 innings before we lost. I had better things to do with my time, anyway.

Okay, I don�t. But I could.

I could so.

I could so!

I went and got my books for Summer term. All used. $185.23. Yeah.

I am taking a course called �Judaism, Christianity & Islam.� It used to be �Religions of the West�, but the teacher I have lobbied against that, saying it was a politically incorrect title and there were many western religions. Which is true and the course title was changed.

My textbook is titled �Religions of the West�. Silly teacher and his silly political correctness.

I made some potato salad for my sister�s potluck. Mmm ... potato salad. My mom makes it warm, which she claims to have learned in Germany. I maintain she�s just insane and using Germany as an excuse.

BTW, I believe that I have called her �Army Intelligence� in this diary. She takes great offense at this--she was in the Army Security Agency. Apparently, this was a huge breach of etiquette on my part--akin to comparing an Ensign to a Seal. If it helps, she had a very high security clearancw and a direct line to the �red phone�. Dude. She could�ve called the president and advised him to nuke France!


Hindsight is 20/20.

ANYway, I was peeling potatoes and I peeled my thumb. But it can�t be a normal nick--oh no. This is my thumb, after all. The thumb with the Nike Swoosh scar The thumb that got Robin�s car door slammed on it, then it locked and the nail STILL doesn�t grow quite right. That thumb. So, does it surprise any of you that I slipped the tip of my thumb between the blades and one of the little blade-thingys slipped and sliced me UNDER my nail?

No, sir. I didn�t like it.

Robin is picking me up in a couple of hours. We are going to �The Thunder Down Under�. But would you look at those guys?

So chiseled.
So sculpted.
So buff.

So not my type.

But I go to offer moral support to Robin. Also because she�s buying. After that, we�ll all head back to IC. Frat Boy Bar is having an 80�s Flashback night. Which should be fun, but the first time I get groped by a Drunken Greek Freak�, I�m coming up swingin!

Ernie will not be with us tonight. I think he�s still afraid of the ICPD. Hee.

Next week, Jens and Pinball are going to be here. Yay! Sans Wanda. YAY!

Currently Reading: The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory
Thank you, MeeshaPeesha.

Listening To: AFI
...I wanted this excoriation. I thrive on this self mutilation...

Have a happy day!

7 ... 8
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