...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

32 Degrees Is Not A Good Thing

April 10, 2004 ... 7:47 p.m.

Mom: �Aargh! The refrigerator just talked to me!!�
Bootsie: �Mom, that was the answering machine.�

Ah, spring has sprung. It has been gorgeous and sunny here in eastern Iowa. I got strawberry, rhubarb, tomato and broccoli plants ready to plant in my garden. I started my herbs and ordered some berries, grapes, hot peppers and some new roses.

So, naturally, snow is forecast for this weekend.

Yay! Iowa, how I love thee!

Mom�s on vacation this week. Yay! We�ve been re-modeling the kitchen and, generally, working our butts off. Mommie dearest keeps commenting on how fast this week has flown by.

I, on the other hand, have realized it�s still only Saturday.

I went to my new GI doc on Friday. Appointment for 10:15 am. Seen by Dr. B at 12:23 pm. But, you know, whatever.

Good but, frankly, irritating news. See, that whole Autoimmune Hepatitis thing? The thing that I�ve been downing steroids for during the last 5 months? That I�ve been taking another med that has been known to cause cancers for? Yeah.


Which is great. I had a very rare allergic reaction to Zithromax. Which we knew. What we did not know was that, in even rarer occurrences within the rare allergic reaction, that reaction can present itself as autoimmune. Then it becomes a matter of a simple blood test to rule out autoimmunity.

My old doctor did not do this test. My new doctor did. And she�s weaning me off my meds. YAY! I should be drug free by the beginning of June.

Saturday 8

1. Have you had plastic surgery? If not, would you consider it? Why or why not?
I have not and I think I would only have it if, for instance, I was in a car accident or something. To repair or rebuild.

2. Have you seen anyone you knew on national television before? Who were they, and what was the circumstances?
Yes. For one, Oscar playing basketball.

3. Do you think that gastric bypass surgery should be covered by health insurance? Why or why not?
I think so. It can prevent heart problems and diabetes, etc.--things brought on by excess weight that the insurance companies end up paying more for in the long run.

4. Have you ever been on national television? If yes, what was it for? If not, would you like to be on nat'l television? Why/why not?
I�ve been in the audience of ESPN and CBS broadcast basketball games (close-ups and all).

5. I've seen young girls - 18 yrs. old - get breast implants. most women will go up a cup size around that age. How young is 'too young' for breast implants?
I think most elective surgery should wait until the patient is a legal adult. Personally, I think 18 is too young--but it�s their call.

6. If you could appear in any medium - radio, television, print, film, internet - what would it be? Why? Or would you rather be anonymous?
I like my relative anonymity, which is not to say I would turn down Orlando Bloom if he came calling. I have no problem being in a supportive role.

7. Have you had any 'regular' surgery, something for health reasons only and not considered plastic surgery? Why? If you haven't, who is the closest person to you to have surgery, and tell us about that.
I�ve had two surgeries on my foot, because my tendons were screw and I had severed my Achilles tendon. I had surgery on my back to correct scoliosis and I had my knee scoped.

8. As of this moment, who is your most-favorite famous person? Tell us about him/her, and what makes them so special to you.
I don�t know.

Currently Reading: Acts Of God (Book Three of the Christ Clone Trilogy) by James BeauSeigneur

Listening To: Plain White T�s
...it's not ok and it's not all right--you can't fool me so don't even try...

Have a happy day!

7 ... 8
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