...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

I Have No Concept Of Time

March 31, 2004 ... 12:30 p.m.

[Robin�s parents farm]
Eibisch: �Yeah, Mom�s gonna buy another half a cow soon.�
Robin: �It�s a good way to buy beef.�
Eibisch: �Oh! I was going to ask you something, but I forgot.�
Robin: �You were talking about beef ...�
Eibisch: �No ... Oh, yeah! Is your mom selling eggs yet?�
Eric: �How do you get eggs from talking about beef?�
Eibisch: �Beef ... beef & noodles ... egg noodles ... eggs. It�s not that hard! Work with me, man!�

Had a fun weekend.

Friday night ended up in a big three-way argument, though. It began because I asked Bootsie to hand me something that was 5 inches to her left and she was between me and this item (which I no longer remember), so it was a convenience issue. I even said �please� (because I am a wonderful, polite girl who still says �please,� �thank you,� �sir� and �ma�am�). But she threw a bloody fit. And then I got upset because, cripes, just hand me the damn thing! It takes more time and energy to bellow about it than it does to do it. Then, apparently, our pissiness ticked off Mom. And we were off. It�s like we stock up for these tri-annual blow-outs. We were yelling about painting, laundry, dusting, school, cat food, shoveling (it was 65�), gas, television. I believe banana nut bread was bandied about, as well as pork chops and smoke detectors. We all went to bed, slamming doors and just being very inconsiderate.

Saturday, everyone was in a good mood. It was warm and sunny--we had doors and windows open. My grandparents stopped by and we gave Grandpa an early Easter/Father�s Day/whatever gift. We got him this table top grill from Williams-Sonoma. He had mentioned wanting one, so we thought we�d get it and surprise him. Problem is--if Gramps wants it, Gramps buys it. Only he couldn�t find any but the George Foreman ones and he hates those. He kept asking me for the Williams-Sonoma catalog and I was always like �Um, gee, I just saw it.� He got so put out with me. But, see, we were working against the clock. Once he gets an idea in his head--that�s all she wrote. He wanted a grill and, come hell or high water, he was going to get one. But he sure liked his gift.

Later that evening we watched gleefully as St. Joseph�s lost to Oklahoma State. Not that we�re State fans, but they�re Big 12 and St. Joe�s needed a little comeuppance. Plus, the way it was called in the first half? You just knew the refs wanted St. Joe�s to win. Alas. It�s called �hubris�, Phil.

Sunday afternoon, Robin and Eric came over. There was the obligatory picture exchange. I cannot believe how much her nieces have grown! But that�s what kids do, I guess. They stayed for almost 4 hours and we talked and laughed. We were rolling. I have a more silly sense of humor--I laugh at everything. Robin�s a bit more sarcastic and Eric is right between us, humor-wise. My stomach ached from the laughter.

So far, this week has been nice. Although yesterday there were snow flurries. Mother Nature best be knocking that crap off.

Last night, we watched Iowa State and Rutgers. Yikes! I thought St. Joe�s/Ok. State was badly called ... they had nothing on this game. One of the players was called for a Technical for tossing the ball behind him after being called out-of-bounds. He didn�t argue the call, he didn�t bean the ball, he didn�t spike the ball ... it was an absolutely asinine call, even for those officials.

Currently Reading: Acts Of God (Book Three of the Christ Clone Trilogy) by James BeauSeigneur

Listening To: oldies
...I hopeand I pray that maybe someday I�ll be the vision of your happiness...

Have a happy day!

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