...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Happy 69th, Wherever You Are

January 08, 2004 ... 9:37 a.m.

Bootsie: �Drugs do bad things to you. Look at Keith Richards. Look. At. Keith. Richards!�

Happy Elvis� Birthday, everyone!

Starting shortly, it will be back-to-back Elvis movies and concert videos and Elvis nummies all day. Dinner usually ends up being giant cheeseburgers, mounds of fries and cokes. I haven�t decided dessert.


Well on my way to the Fabulicious Abs O�Impossibilty, no?

I cleaned out my closet yesterday. The amount of clothing I possess is staggering. I found clothing I�ve never worn. I found clothing I don�t remember buying, let alone owning.

I sorted through the mass to donate some to Goodwill. I have to try again tomorrow as I only managed to part with 3 shirts, a pair of pants and a tie-dyed sari.

I didn�t even get to my dresser. I�m not a fashionista by any means and I wouldn�t consider any of my clothing �high end�. In point of fact, I am a jeans and t-shirt gal. I just like to be fashionally prepared. I actually have a gold lam� tunic hanging in my closet as I type. Why? I don�t know. But I�m going to keep it, because you just never know. I would hate to need a gold lam� tunic at some future point and have to kick myself for sending it to Goodwill. That would happen, too. Now that I�m keeping it, I will never need it. Should I toss it, I will surely need it in two weeks.

Because the fates? Intensely dislike me.

I just got some film developed today from when I was in the hospital. Bootsie took some photos to show how yellow I was and how bruised my arms were from the twice-daily blood drawings. You can see a good one of my face/eyes. If I remember correctly--the photo of my right arm was taken two days after they stopped drawing from it and the photo of the left is from two days after they started drawing on that side.

And there�s one of me when I�m not yellow, bruised or ill in anyway.

And they're all right here.

My doctor�s nurse, Nurse Connie, called this morning to tell me that, while I still need to go in every week for a CBC, I only need a liver function test once a month. Which is a step in the right direction. Although I really just think they were tired of dealing with the lab. The lab had a problem reading orders. My order read: CBC every week, liver function every two weeks.

So difficult.

They screwed it up several times, most notably when they drew for both Saturday, threw away the CBC and drew for both AGAIN on Tuesday. I told Nurse Connie that they drew the liver function again.

I could hear her roll her eyes.

But I won�t need another one of those until February, so I�m cool with it.

Mom closed on the old house today. We realized that we had forgotten to dig up our lilies and peonies. Mom hated the orange lilies, but I loved them. They were bright and cheery and, more than that, they were my late aunt�s (Mom�s sister)--which is probably the only reason Mom planted them.

The peonies are a different story. We may have to make a midnight run or something. I love peonies. Mom loves peonies. Bootsie loves peonies. They�re so pretty and they smell so nice. We could get some from a local store, but the ones at our old house came from my great-grandma�s garden who passed away almost 38 years ago. They�re heirlooms. The real kind. As an �heirloom� gardener anyway, they mean that much more to me.

That�s right. I bake, I cook, I sew, I quilt and I garden. Yes, I WAS born in the wrong decade. You know how in the movie Pleasantville, the modern-day characters are transported back to the 50�s era town and are all out of place?

Yeah. I belong in Pleasantville.

It�s snowing again. There was just some recent brouhaha by some �concerned scientists�. Seems these scientists are concerned that people, especially Iowans, are not taking global warming seriously.

At the rate we are going, by the year 2100, Iowa�s winter climate will resemble that of northern Mississippi. And Iowans are not taking this seriously. *gasp*

Okay, first? January in Iowa is NOT the time to try and get us worked up over the possibility that, in 90+ years, Iowa might be WARM.

Secondly--is there any way to speed this process up?

In Heaven there is no beer...
That�s why we drink it here...
And when we�re gone from here...
Our friends will be drinking all the beer...

24Purdue 61

Currently Reading: Raj by Gita Mehta

Listening To: ELV1S: 30 #1s by ELVIS
...I ain�t greedy baby, all I want is all you got...

Have a happy day!

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