...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Crap On A Continuous Loop

January 06, 2004 ... 4:48 p.m.

Eibisch: �Go away or I shall taunt you with lyrics from 'Possibilities'.�

Today has started out wonderfully.

And, if you could hear the seething derision that accompanies that statement, you would be privy to a whole new level of sarcasm.

Couldn�t sleep last night, so (surprise!) was on the computer. Have seemingly been drug straight back to high school. He said, she said ... and something I can�t quite put my finger on. It gives me a headache and I want no part of the drama. I don�t even know how I became a part of the drama. I don�t do drama well.

Moral: truly nice guys? Endangered species, possibly extinct. And, again--me? Wanting no part of this.

Then, I put my new Christmas (hi. me. spoiled.) pajamas on to go to bed. And my arm starts itching. Then my hand. Then my side. Then my neck. Then the other side. The itching comes and goes and is, quite possibly, the crappiest symptom of this liver thing. It�s awful. It feels like my skin is as dry as a desert, but no amount of lotion or baby oil or hydrocortisone cream helps. It�s so bad that, even bone tired, I cannot sleep for the itching. I have, however, devised a way to sleep if the itching comes at night. This is what I am forced to do: I throw off all my covers, take off my pajamas and pour lotion on myself, do not rub it in and sit there until my teeth begin chattering and the beginning stages of hypothermia start and then throw the pjs back on and dive under the covers--usually, by this time, my body is so preoccupied with warming itself up that the itchiness is set aside. Thus, I am able to fall asleep. Ingenious, no? That was at 4:37a.m.

So, about 8 am, my doctor�s nurse calls. I am so not high on the medical profession at present. We have a lab problem. A miscommunication.

I get blood drawn every week at this lab. I get my liver function checked every other week. I get a CBC (complete blood count) done every week, because one of my meds has been known to cause cancers.

Just gets better and better, eh?

Saturday, I had both drawn. The vampire lab worker argued with me about even drawing the CBC, she said it wasn�t on my order. Whatever. She did end up taking it. But, when my doctor�s nurse called me today, she told me that they hadn�t gotten the CBC results and so had called the lab. Because of the miscommunication, the lab had simply discarded my sample.

They threw my blood away. Discarded it! A vial of blood that is drawn every week to alert my doctor if I am getting sick again or developing cancer and they just tossed it out.

Threw it out like so much garbage. I cannot BEGIN to tell you how angry this makes me.

I had to go get blood drawn today, to make up for it. So, they took the CBC. And a liver function--which they took 4 days ago--and some other vial. She said �to balance out the machine�, but that didn�t sound kosher.

Also? They did not give me a cookie. Bastards.

Dear 2004,

You suck and I hate you. I so look forward to kicking your ass.


My aunt is trying to get me to become a school teacher.


Oh, don�t kid yourselves, I would make a great teacher. I did well with my brother. But ... I just don�t have the wherewithal to make a career out of it. I won�t mind educating on a limited basis, field trips at my employing museum for instance, but that is it.

Currently Reading: Raj by Gita Mehta

Listening To: =w=
...it's time I got back & I don't even know how I got off the track ...

Have a happy day!

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