...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Note To My Ear: I Hate You.

September 17, 2003 ... 2:28 a.m.

[discussing exam]
Brandon (chem class): �I�m just gonna put �C� for all of them.�
Susie!: �Brandon, they�re all true/false questions.�
Brandon: �AND?!?!?�

Misery, thy name is ear infection. I am really feeling Van Gogh. I don�t really think he was in love or obsessed or insane. He probably just had a horrendous ear infection.

I get these frequently. And tonsilitis. I dunno, I guess it�s an Eibisch thing. So, I usually just let them run their course. I don�t need no steeee-nking doctor. But this one is awful. The right side of my head wishes to implode. I have horrible yellow mucousy stuff leaking out after every God awful painful popping. I can barely move my mouth, my jaw is seriously sore. I think I�m dying. Seriously. Maybe I have tumor. Yes, growing in my ear. Shut up--it could happen.

I called my doctor. She didn�t want to see me. She just wanted to prescribe some Claritin. What? Dude, this is NOT an allergy! I know from allergies. I have never gone hypochondriac on her before, what gives? And not seeing me? I�m in PAIN, doc. I am giving serious thought to lopping this sucker off. If nothing else, that should get me a date with a psychiatrist.

Then she says �How about some Amoxycillin?� Yeah. Gee. How about some Morphine? And a couple of shrimp cocktails with a lobster chaser? Either way, I�m gonna die.

I�ve got an appointment to go in Thursday. Thursday. I�m gonna die. My head is gonna burst. Farewell, dear friends. Parting is such sweet sorrow. Blah, blah, blah.

Is it just me or is Tim from Rancid hot?

It occurs to me that, perhaps, I should start paying attention to the people who play the music I listen to. He doesn�t look much like I pictured the guy who sings �Ruby Soho� would look like, so I could be delirious from pain.

I don�t care if that sentence makes sense or not. I�m too sick to worry about grammar. I�m on the edge, people. The edge, I tell ya!

And I just love that song more than...than...more than nachos on game day! No. Wait. Not that much, but at least as much as homemade chocolate-chip-cookie-dough ice cream (mmm...chocolate-chip-cookie-dough ice cream)! In fact, I must now buy a goldfish and name it �Ruby Soho�.

I can�t sleep, because my ear does strange and hurty thing when my head is inclined. But I�m tired. I�m very tired. In fact I am so tired that I could not be bothered to put on my glasses to type. So if there are misspellings, grammar problems, historical and factual inaccuracies....lay off, ya flippin nazi! It�s 2 a.m., I�m tired, I have an astigmatism and, in case you didn�t know, my ear is attempting some kind of cranio-facial mutiny.

Cripes. I�m kinda bitchy when I�m sick. Egads. But it�s because I can�t watch my �Wizard of OZ� tape, as I always do when I�m sick. All my movies are packed for the big move.

What was that? Move? Eibisch is moving? Oh, NOW you�re interested?


I�ve rented a house. Well, Robin and I have. Well, Robin and Bootsie and I have. It�s huuuuge! 4 bedrooms, full basement, 2 story, pool, whirlpool bathtub, fireplace. They want us in ASAP, but we�re moving in in about 2� weeks. So, yay! Yay for me!

More later. I have to try to fall asleep while my pain has ebbed to a dull throbbing.

Currently Reading: The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

Listening To: Rancid
...echoes of reggae, coming through my bedroom wall...

Have a happy day!

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