...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Interlocking Cardboard Pieces...They're A Good Thing

July 17, 2003 ... 9:00 p.m.

Bootsie: �And, while I like Jennifer Lopez as much as the next person who absolutely despises her...�

Got a headache?

Now if I could just figure out a how to get the coolness on all pages...or a cool archive page...

Hey! This stuff takes time.

It�s not like I�m reinventing the �C� chord, but it�s still effort.

So. Last night. Big Ass History Exam #1. I think I got all 60 multiple choice questions right. There are a couple that I�m not sure of, but they were worded funny. Should they be marked incorrect, I will argue. I will argue and I will win. Because I am really persuasive. Also, my hair has been unbelievably cute the last few weeks. It�s all about empowerment, people.

Then we were to choose 10 terms/people from 15 available terms. Easy peasy. Let�s see...I chose Plessy v. Ferguson (court case which upheld the southern apartheid �separate but equal� clause), James Robillard (work with me, people! he invented suspension cables and began the Brooklyn Bridge)...and...like...eight others that I can�t remember right now. Pffft, whatever.

But then...dun dun dun...the essay. Essay. Okay? My teacher requires an actual essay. With an introductory paragraph, at least 3 body paragraphs and a concluding paragraph. I mean, gah! The whole test took me 72 minutes, 56 of which were spent on the damned essay.

I swear, the next time I am going to draw him a series of cartoons depicting the Great Depression and the aftermath of the TVA.

I�m still waiting for him to lecture about tariffs. I am all about the Hawley-Smoot tariff.

That just made me sound like the dorkiest loser ever, didn�t it?

Well, girls & boys here, once again, is the 411 on the Hawley-Smoot tariff: the tariff, introduced by two republican senators and signed by Hoover, resulted in retaliatory tariff acts from foreign countries, foreign trade suffered, and the depression intensified.

Also, it�s fun to say.


So, there you go, dears. Now you can�t say you never learned anything from me.

We�ve been having a garage sale this week. It�s so hot. Humid. Hot and humid. But, I�m cool. In between sales, I just listen to my cd player. This morning, a group--I guess they were Mexican--came in and perused the tables. They were really nice and made small talk with me, although it was obvious that Spanish was their stronger language. I tried a little Spanish and they seemed amused by my efforts. Pleased, but amused. Then another lady came in and, after the others left, she whispered to me �You have to watch those Mexicans--they�ll steal you blind.� I was like...WHAT?!?!? I should�ve said something witty or biting or asked her to leave. But she was already leaving. I just looked at her with what I hope came across as outright disgust and said �I watch everyone who comes in.�

So, okay, yeah. It wasn�t the wittiest remark I could�ve said. But, cripes, the idiocy and ignorance some people display stuns me when I hear it like that. Then I think of a really scorching comment. 20 minutes later. Still.

I went shopping with Robin earlier tonight. We schlepped all over the Coral Ridge Mall. We stopped by the ice rink to watch people fall on their butts. Cuz that�s always good for a laugh. Alas, there was no amusement as the rink was closed. Nuts.

We ventured into the Discovery Kids store, where I purchased three dinosaur puzzles. And I already had the velociraptor one. And they�re really cool. And when you turn the lights off, the puzzle glows in the dark. As a SKELETON!

Yep. Dork. Right here.

Anyway, Robin bought...well, I don�t remember. I�ve mentioned her shopping technique before. Normally, I return home from a shopping day quite irritated. But not today. Behold the power of glow-in-the-dark dinosaur skeleton puzzles!!! Ha-HA!

Really. It�s the simple things in life that mean the most.

Currently Reading: Gettysburg by Newt Gingrich. That�s right, Newt Gingrich. And it�s good.

Listening To: Stop by Plain White T�s
...I know you know that I know you love me...


Have a happy day!

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