...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Eloquence? Here? Pffft.

February 18, 2003 ... 9:44 p.m.

Eloquence? Here? Pffft.

Opie: �So, who�s at the top of the Big Ten?�
Eibisch: �Shut up.�
Opie: �Hmm...whoever could it be?�
Eibisch: �Shut up.�
Opie: �It�s adorable that you�re such a sore loser.�
Eibisch: �Shut up.�

I have certainly been lax in my updating. You might think I�ve gotten a life. Of course, you would be wrong.

I�m doing much better in Spanish, thanks to my tutor. Yes I have a tutor. Because I suck. He is very nice and he�s a good teacher. Yes, he is basically teaching me because my actual prof speaks so quickly that she�s on to another chapter before I get her opening sentence translated. My tutor is named Javier--�You can call me Javi.�

Also, he�s hot. And I don�t even notice. No, seriously! The first session we went over homework, conjugations, blah blah blah. And then, at home a couple of hours later....*doink*! Hey! Javi es muy caliente! Okay. I have no idea if that makes any sense. But every session is really focused on work--as it should be--but even my actual prof thinks he�s cute.

Prof: �Who is tutoring you?�
Eibisch: �Javier ____.�
Prof: �Ohhh...Javi. He is very handsome, isn�t he?�
Eibisch: *shudders involuntarily, thinking of Javi with Chad Kroeger*
Eibisch: �I...well...um...he�s a really good tutor.�
Prof: �Mmm-hmmm. Is he still single? Because...�
Eibisch: �...�

Sometimes, I pray for spontaneous combustion.

People, this is the woman who holds my future in her hands.

Well, okay, no she doesn�t. Because I could just retake it. But still. How many of you want to hear any level of sexual innuendo from your teacher? Especially when she looks like she might bust into �Hero� at any second? I thought so.

And, hello? What is wrong with me that I barely even notice a hottie that I spend 1-2 hours with each week?


Okay. Survivor. Guys vs. Girls. How cool was it that the girls came out of nowhere to win immunity? I like Survivor way, way, way too much. And Daniel? Cute. That is, until he opened his mouth.

Daniel, mute = cute
Daniel, talking = not so much.
Daniel: Shhhhhh.

But, Matthew. Ah, Matthew...very cute. I refuse to call him "Matt"--I much prefer "Matthew" and, as we all know...Eibisch = smack dab, center of the universe.

Also, I'm thinking...machetes and a tribe full of men. Not a wise decision.

Rented My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Loved. It. Also rented Signs. Loved it. Freaked me right out, but loved it. Decided Joaquin Phoenix is now #2 on my celebrity crush list. Second only to Jon Seda. Because, you know, Jon Seda is way hot. And hasn�t, to my knowledge, dated Liv Tyler. Because, honestly, how am I supposed to compete with her? Although there is a minor problem with Jon being #1. He�s...kinda...sorta...well...married. Which Joaquin, at last check, is not. I�ll just re-rent Gladiator and Gladiator and we shall see.

My cousin�s girlfriend...oops, fianc�e...came over tonight with Baby JD. He is getting so big. He is almost five months old. Great big chubby cheeks, big blue eyes, blond hair. He looks like a little cherub. Anyway, had a long (3 hrs.) conersation about the impending nuptials. Dresses and flowers and reception sites and churches and on and on and on...

Bootsie, who does this for a living, was understandably excited/enthusiastic/informative. And so was Mom. I feigned utter fascination. I almost lost it when she pulled out--I kid you not--13 fabric swatches, trying to decide which she wanted for the bridesmaid dresses. One was �Victorian Gold�. The others were (supposedly) varying shades, all with names like �Pearlesse� and �Opal Reverie�. I made my exit to watch a game on tv.

I am such a guy. You know what I mean. If I ever get married, I�ll be like �Bootsie--handle it!�. Just tell me when and where.

Okay I wouldn�t be that bad. Probably. Maybe.


Opie: "Haha, Iowa is going down Saturday, 'cuz they suck."
Eibisch: "Shut up."
Opie: "I�m sure you�ll look good in red."
[*edit*--bet = loser has to wear a shirt of victorious team]
Eibisch: "Shut up."
Opie: "While you clean my house."
Eibisch: "Do you want to die?"

He is right about one thing. I do look good in red.

But, man. C�mon, Hawks. It�s time to throw down. Let�s go.

Currently Reading:
A Return To Modesty by Wendy Shalit

Listening To: Good Charlotte
I know, I know...but Good Charlotte is like musical heroin to me--I know I shouldn�t like it, I know it�s bad but, dammit, I�m addicted.
...October air reminds me of all the seasons of your love...


Have a happy day!

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