...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...


February 13, 2003 ... 12:10 a.m.


Steve: �There are four young men here who would just love to push you around...�

taken way out of context

Well. School is going okay. It�s been resolved. For now. I won�t be going to UCLA, at least not in December. They require transfers to have 60 hours, and I�m going to be short. I am really not disappointed by this development. Odd. Chaminade is still looking good, so are a couple in Kentucky and Utah. But, you know, snow. And coldness.

I know I said I could deal with snow and cold if I had mountains to balance it. I think I lied. It is - 3 degrees here and I hate it.
I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.

Perhaps if Jon Seda were to move to Utah...

Freakiest moment of the week thus far:

Someone shot at our window last night. Not with a �real� gun--maybe a zip gun. But it shot a marble into the window I was sitting directly in front of. It went through the screen window, through the storm window and through 2 panes of our three paned window and it cracked the third. Jeez...if it had been going just a fraction faster...

Nothing like near-miss blunt force head trauma to make you re-evaluate your life!

I dyed my hair last night. It�s still dark, but now it has some red and caramel highlights.

::Pause for appropriate ooohs and ahhhs::

I look pretty spiffy, if I do say so myself. Now, I just need to get contacts. I have an appointment March 3rd. I have wanted contacts for a while, not out of vanity but out of necessity. I break/misplace/lose my glasses every other week. It�s a personality quirk. I have a quirky personality. I�m quirky! I must stop saying �quirky� right now.

I got a bunch of old film developed today. Old, old, old film. Some from my junior year in high. Ahh, nostalgia. I flipped through all of them and saw a great one of Evil JD. He is so cute in it, all blue-eyed blond and hottie-next-door. Memories, misty watercolor memories...

Ack! No! Must remember...blond...married...in...Honolulu...and...evil...

And...I�m okay!

UIowa 64
Minnesota 77

5 minutes left...had a 6 point lead...lost by 13...now, that is some coaching

And Northwestern beating Purdue???
I have to go lie down now.

Currently Reading:
A Return To Modesty by Wendy Shalit (I'm finding this a little hard to follow at this point.)

Listening To: ELVIS: The 50 Greatest Love Songs....Aww, some creepy guy guy my sister knows gave me this.


Have a happy day!

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