...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

It Just Ain't Been My Day

January 17, 2003 ... 11:21 p.m.

It Just Ain�t Been My Day

Eibisch: �You�ll never know everything about someone else.�
Oscar: �We�ve known each other for a decade. I�m pretty sure I know everything about you.�
Eibisch: �Did you know I like pickles and cream cheese?�
Oscar: �I did not know that. I don�t know you at all!�
Eibisch: �I...�
Oscar: �My God! Our entire relationship is a fraud!�

I�m just not having a good few days. Everything just seems to going wrong. And not anything really major. Just small crap that just adds up to one big pile of crap. For instance, I get to Theatre late this morning. I don�t have the right book. I grabbed the wrong folder, so I don�t have my homework. At the end of class, I go to leave and *riiiipppp* my backpack tears. Not the strap, but the large, zippered compartment. See? It�s not big things, it�s just all these little things piled on top of one another.

Oh, well. Sooner or later something big and good will happen.

Mom informed me this morning that she is going to take my sister to the NCAA tournament this year. Follow the Hawkeyes. I waited for her to include me in this little jaunt. I finally asked �What about me?� She looked shocked, as if I�ve never expressed any interest in any sport, let alone basketball. Which, we all know, could not be further from the truth. She says �Well, someone has to take care of Le Prince.�

Gee. Maybe someone like his MOM????

I want to go, dammit.

We could chain Le Prince up in the basement. Loaf of bread. Bucket of water. He won�t die. In fact, that�ll be our motto: �He won�t die.�

Oh, what? It�s a line from a movie! Sgt. Bilko. Geez, do you really think I�d chain my brother up in the basement? My sister maybe...

I�m still hung up on Spanish. I really am giving myself a complex. I can�t even conjugate simple verbs without triple guessing myself. I am embarrassed, as I have never done poorly in anything. I just can�t get it together. I�m reading over some worksheets and find myself thinking �Was ist das?� or �Ach du lieber!� German. I�m reading Spanish and thinking German. Yeah. That�s gonna help.

But my sister is being very nice to me in my uber-stressed state. She brought me a liter of Coca-Cola and a huge Toblerone. A Toblerone is a candy bar in the shape of a triangle and you break off little triangles to eat. It�s milk chocolate with toffee bits.

Normally, this type of gift would seem ridiculous. But, when was 9 and I was 13, we went to an immersion German language camp for 3 weeks. We spoke German, read German, ate typically German food, went by German names (I was �Andrea�...ahn-dray-uh) and even used German currency. During our rest period, we were allowed to purchase goodies at the kiosk. The girls in my cabin always got Cokes and Toblerones. Sometimes Rittersports and this other one that I have forgotten. But usually, Toblerones.

It was a nice, sentimental thing to do.

I knew I should�ve stuck with German.

My IHOP must have hired some new cooks.
Cooks who cannot make crepes properly.
Cooks who burn my International Omelette.
This displeases me.

Mom just came home. She�s in a pissy mood because Bootsie asked to borrow $100. Bootsie is forever borrowing money. She owes me $350. She has a good job, but she never has money. She lives in the basement--what are her expenses? And so Mom is ranting...�Where does she expect me to get $100?� �Does she think I�m made of money?� �What does she need it for?�
and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on........
Why is she screeching at me? I�m not a mindreader. I am not privy to the goings on inside my sister�s head. It�s probably something straight out of The Cell, anyway. More yelling. I didn�t ask for the money, you know. And even if I had, you know what? Consider it my salary. I�m not going to any basketball games, I�m not going to anything, I�m just staying home to watch the boy.


Friday Five

1. Where do you currently work?
*sob* I have no job. I am a freeloader. *sob*

2. How many other jobs have you had and where?
Let�s see...I was a hostess at a Perkin�s restaraunt, a cook at Burger King, concession at a movie theatre, desk worker at Kirkwood�s library and, for three season a cashier/concessions/swim lesson instructor at for the city recreation department--mostly one swimming pool.

3. What do you like best about your job?
Please see #1.

4. What do you like least about your job?
That I don�t have one. That I feel useless. That I am never going to get out of her if all I ever earn is just enough to cover tuition.

5. What is your dream job?
I really want to work in Forensic Science. I just want to be a lab rat. Nothing fancy.

Currently Reading:
Corpse by Jessica Snyder-Sachs
I would like to thank the following people for their book suggestions.............

Listening To: a mix, Plain White T's, Weezer, Backdrop, Don't Look Down... My new song obsession? �Why Bother� followed closely by �Unconditional�--...treat me like a human being...
Be very happy you can�t hear me singing...


Have a happy day!

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