...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Let The Sun Shine In

December 17, 2002 ... 9:06 p.m.

Let The Sun Shine In

Le Prince: �You�re a dork. I don�t even like you.�
Bootsie: �If I had feelings, they�d be hurt.�

Last night, I went over to my friends� home. Let�s call them...�Cindy� and �Steve�...and I had a really good time. They are around my age and they have the cutest baby girl (�Marie�).

I gave Le Prince his football today. Then Fred gave him one, too. Le Prince was kind of leery about how �big� the footballs were. He had a smaller one this summer that fit his hands more readily. So he voiced some concern. And we had the following conversation...

Eibisch: �How old am I?�
Le Prince: �29.�
Eibisch: �WHAT?!�
Le Prince: �*giggles* 25! You 25!�
Eibisch: �And how old are you?�
Le Prince: �8.�

And then I had him hold his hand up to mine. The 8-year-old, 46 pounder has hands that are less than � inch shorter than mine. He is 3�11� and wears a 1� size shoe. If he ever gains weight, I�m thinking he might be a pretty big boy.

Mom cut his hair last night. Again. She shaved the back and left it longer on top. He wants it shorter. I told her we should just wash his hair in Nair. She disagreed, but he is just not happy unless he�s nearly bald.

And...have I mentioned this?...he is totally obsessed with Oscar. Wants to be tall like him, have the same haircut, wants me to marry Oscar so that Oscar always has to play with him...on and on. I cannot convince that I am not going to marry Oscar.

Speaking of Oscar...I got yet another early morning phone call from overseas. This time, it�s �Merry Christmas� and it seems the whole �Eibisch is a tabloid snitch� thing has blown over. He didn�t mention it and didn�t want to talk about it all. Hmmph. I am still not happy. No apology, no Eibisch didn�t do it, no nothing. I�ll just let it die. It just isn�t worth the argument. I�m still not sending him food. I cook for no man! Okay, that�s a lie. But, whatever. The men I cook for are nice or lucky or both. So there.

So I got registered for 16 hours--just over full-time. Finally. I had to register with someone other than the Counselor of Doom. He saw me and scowled at me. I resisted the urge to shout �Nyah-nyah, na boo-boo, stick your head in doo-doo!� It might have been looked upon as somewhat less than mature. Whatever.

T minus 4 days and counting...
Until we have our family Christmas. Yay. We can�t seem to get a hold of Cousin#5, not that I care. And Cousin#3 and her husband are taking their honeymoon in Cancun. 1� years after they were married. Which is, you know, whatever.

I�m so eloquent sometimes.

Cancun. Sun. Palm trees. Sun. Sand. Sun. Ocean. Have I mentioned sun?

I�m so jealous I could spit. *ptooey*

My mom told me yesterday that she isn�t making fudge this year. No fudge? NO FUDGE?!?! I don�t care all that much for chocolate. But I love fudge. Fudgefudgefudgefudgefudge, I love fudge! And she�s not making it. Oh, I could make it myself, but it�s just not the same.

Currently Reading:
The Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus

Listening To:
Every rendition of �I�m Leaving On A Jet Plane� known to man.


Have a happy day!

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