...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Friends and Family

November 22, 2002 ... 7:57 p.m.

Friends and Family

Sorry that I haven�t updated in a while. Normally my excuses are pretty lame and I usually cite my laziness. But not this time! I have a REAL excuse this time!

Oscar has been home this week! If you�ll recall, Oscar plays professional basketball overseas. He played the last two seasons in one country, but is now playing in another. Anyway, he flew out today. *makes sad face* He would never say anything bad, but I don�t think he likes this country much. But the first place took him a while to warm up to. I think, maybe, he should�ve stayed in the first place but it was a monetary negotiation thing.

I�m glad we got to spend some time together. He�s an amazing guy. He's really just the perfect guy. And I do miss him when he's not here. In between barely coherent 2 am. phone calls two to four times a week. Think he likes me? It was both weird and interesting to realize that this summer marks 10 years of friendship. Ten years and it seems like nothing AND forever.

Of course, Robin and I have been friends for...*calculates*...14 years this summer. Whoa. I�ve been friends with her for longer than I haven�t known her.

Friends are grand.

Some friends came over today and, as they were walking up my driveway, my neighbor stopped and yelled at them not to come to his house.

They laughed (once they were inside) but I was like neighbor-dude, you know the world cannot possibly revolve around you!

Because it revolves around me.

I am going to my uncle�s cabin for the family Thanksgiving.

Woo. Hoo.

I cannot seem to muster any enthusiasm about the dinner, though. Oh, I�ll be my usual witty, charming and overall delightful self and they�ll all be ecstatic that I�m there. How could they not be? But...I�m just tired of it. We need some new blood. Oh, sure--there�s Baby JD (so as not to be confused with Evil JD) and he�s new and so little and...um...not cute. And Cousin #4 is pregnant. I mean new adult blood.

Oh, wait. Cousin #5 is coming and she�ll have her new fiancee. If they�re still together.

I�m terrible.

I have an appointment on Monday with my academic advisor to sign up for classes. I want to check availability of some classes, but the website is �experiencing technical difficulties�. Maybe the $5 an hour tuition hike will go to the website.

Stupid inconvenient technological advances.

Did I mention that I have decided to major in Biochemistry? With, maybe, a minor in Physics. I love Physics. I got some of my highest grades in it in high school. Physics class was the highlight of my day.

I am entirely too weird.

Physics and Biochem. Now, there�s a combo. I�d also like to learn Japanese. Just thought I�d throw that out.

Finally, I just got the website up. And...two of my classes are full. Nuts. Nuts. Nuts. Now I have to rearrange my whole schedule. I�m taking Spanish II for an easy �A�. Watch me flunk it. And all of my class participation will hinge on the phrase �Yo no se� (�I don�t know�) and I will become the laughingstock of the entire class which will no doubt consist of perfectly fluent tall, willowy blue-eyed blonds who are...oh...17 years old. Or, you know, I could be making much ado about nothing. Possibly.

Note to PP:

You do not fool me. Shut up.


Currently Reading:
Everything Is Illuminated: A Novel by Jonathan Safran Foer (I�m giving it one more chapter)

Listening To:
The Kickovers (and my computer seems to enjoy their �Regeneration� as it constantly plays it)


Have a happy day!

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