...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

A Typical Tuesday

November 05, 2002 ... 10:48 p.m.

A Typical Tuesday

So, I went to Starbucks today.

No, I don�t drink coffee. I don�t even like the smell of coffee. My family is a bunch of coffee drinking freaks, though. They could probably keep Juan Valdez in top-of-the-line burros (or whatever is in those advertisements with him) for a decade. I�m not kidding. My mom drinks 3 or 4 pots a day. I mean, the woman has traces of blood in her coffee stream.

Anyway, all I wanted was a nice hot white chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. Is that too much to ask? Apparently.

People, there is nobody else at the counter with me. Why must you insist on trying to sell me various cappucino-sounding beverages? Why? If I wanted a venti-mocha-frappacino-latte-foam-chai-john-jacob-jingleheimerschmidt, I would�ve asked for it. Now, may I just have my hot white chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate sauce.

No. Because, ha ha, we don�t have any today.

If I was someone like...say...my mom and they ran out of coffee and laughed? Justifiable homicide.

�Your Honor, I was at Starbucks and they ran out of coffee...�
�Case dismissed.�

Interesting thing I found out today. My brother�s class was to tell a few things about his family in front of the class, while the teacher videotaped them. He brings the tape home. We pop it in.

On our mom: �My mom is nice. She likes football. She drinks coffee. She works all the time.�
On Bootsie: �Bootsie is 22. She works all the time. She lets me watch Harry Potter.�
On me: �Eibisch is 25. She likes hash pipe. She drinks like a fish.�

WHAT?!?!?! I mean, WHAT?!?!?! He didn�t happen to mention Hash Pipe is a song and it�s not even one of my favorites. I mean, hello? Elvis! No mention of The King? Hmmmph. And I �drink like a fish�?????? I don�t even know where he picked that up. He also didn�t happen to mention that the only thing I drink like a fish is Mountain Dew.

No wonder his teacher thinks he�s learning very quickly �especially considering his circumstances.� Which I originally took as meaning his �circumstances� as spending his first seven years in Russia.

But no.

She thinks the only time the boy has to study is between beer runs and bong hits.

A deer just ran into my backyard. She�s just standing there, casually glancing around. She�s just staying there. I live right on a very busy street. There is traffic whizzing by thirty feet away. And, still, she just stands there.

One time, when I was 9, my sister and I went to Colorado to visit our father and we went to Pike�s Peak or Royal Gorge or somewhere (it was 15 years ago--give me a break) and there was this area that must have had 20 wild deer. They were wild, but some of them let people pet them.

Oh, there she goes. Scampering off to parts unknown. Well, actually, if she keeps going in that direction she�s headed for the shopping mall.

Anyway, I have a photo of me and Boostie petting a young buck. Bootsie�s 5.5 and all �Ooo, I�m petting a deer� (she�s so darn cute though). I look bored out of my mind and the deer doesn�t look all that excited, either.

Good times.

Well, I went and did my patriotic duty today. Voting in the elementary school gymnasium. Democrat or Republican? It�s really hard to focus on that kind of stuff when it�s rainy and indoor dodgeball day. So far, all my candidates are winning. I take pride in noting that, in the 7 years I have been voting, I have NEVER voted for the loser in any election. I am money, baby. I should take this action to the track!

Well, I have a headache and I�m going to bed. Oh, my brother�s school pictures finally got back today. If you�d like to see the little cheeser, drop me a line.

Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
You're responsible, sweet, gentle and lovable! You have a loving heart, a great respect for all creatures (human, great and small), and the ability to see the thing that makes each individual special. However, you tend to overlook the things that make you special, and thus, putting you in a position to be pushed around by others. Take some time everyday to reflect on your qualities, and see that you don't have to please everyone and still be loved for who you are.
Which Love Hina Girl Are You?

Currently Reading:
Butterflies of the Night by Lisa Louis

Listening To: Ricky Nelson & Sam Cooke


Have a happy day!

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