...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Sometimes I Wonder...

September 13, 2002 ... 8:18 p.m.

Sometimes I Wonder...

What it would have been like had I been raised by wolves.

And I think...preferable.

No! I kid!

So we played Trivial Pursuit tonight. I almost always win. That�s not bragging, it�s just a fact. I am a font of useless knowledge. It comes in handy sometimes. Anyway, Trivial Pursuit is usually good for some laughs here and there.

Mom is reading the questions and answers...

Q: What "winning" slogan credited to Vince Lombardi was uttered first by UCLA coach Red Sanders?
Eibisch: "Win one for the gipper?"
A: "Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing."
Eibisch: I didn't hear the question.

Q: Which president said, after being shot, �It takes more than one shot to kill a bull moose�?
Bootsie: Um...not Kennedy?
A: Theodore Roosevelt

Q: How many minutes does it take for light to arrive from the sun?
Eibisch: Seven minutes
A: No, eight minutes
Eibisch: Are you telling me my sixth grade science teacher lied to me?

Q: What team won a record seven consecutive NCAA basketball titles between 1967 and 1973?
Bootsie: Kentucky? Duke? North Carolina?
Bootsie: Michigan? Indiana? Arizona?

Q: What battle occured 2 weeks after the end of The War of 1812 as news of the peace treaty had not yet reached the combatants?
Bootsie: [blank stare]
Mom: [singing] In 1814 we took a little trip, along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississip. We took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we fought the bloody British in the town of...
Eibisch: Hey! That�s chea...
Bootsie: New Orleans! The battle of New Orleans!
A: Yes, The Battle of New Orleans.

Q: What is a �French Kiss� called in France?
Eibisch: An English kiss
A: How do you know that?
Eibisch: What? I didn�t hear the question.

Q: What historical era is compromised of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods?
Bootsie: Uhhh........
Mom: [humming Flintstone's theme song]
Eibisch: Hey! No...
Bootsie: The Stone Age?
A: Yes, the Stone Age.

Q: What flower�s name is Greek for �testicles�?
Eibisch: Orchid
A: How do you know that?
Eibisch: What? I didn�t hear the question.

Q: What is raced every year in the Tour de France?
Bootsie: Buicks.
Eibisch & Mom: Bwahahahahahahahaha!
Eibisch: She said that like she KNEW it was Buicks. Like she just saw it on ESPN!
A: Bicycles
Bootsie: That was my second guess.

Q:What ball player was dubbed �The Iron Bird�?
Eibisch: Cal Ripken Senior
A: Cal Ripken Junior
Eibisch: Oh, come ON! Junior, Senior...I got the Cal Ripken part...two-thirds of the name...this game sucks!

Q: What country sends the highest percentage of 15- and 16-year-olds to the altar?
Bootsie: Kentucky?
Mom: Country
Bootsie Lexington?
Mom/A: The U.S.
Bootsie: Kentucky is in the U.S.! I should get that by default!
Eibisch: Do you even know what �default� means?
Bootsie: No, but it sounded good, didn�t it?

Q: What 63-year-old singer caused controversy at a 1996 concert by ripping up a bible while singing the Beatles' song �Julia�?
Eibisch: Oh, for...I don't know...Sinead O'Connor?
A: Yoko Ono
Eibisch: Oh, see, I thought you said singer.

Q: Who was the last graduate of the Negro leagues to retire from major league baseball?
Bootsie: I do not know.[looks to me]
Eibisch: Hey! Ask Hinty McCheatsalot over there!
Mom: Yes you do know. Think back in the day.......
Bootsie: I do not know.
A: Hank Aaron
Bootsie: Hank Aaron was black?
Eibisch: *bangs head on table*

Q: What major league baseball team started playing in Coors Stadium in 1995?
Eibisch: Ummm.....the Twins?
Mom/A: No. Eibisch, where is Coors brewery?
Eibisch: Milwaukee?
Mom/A: The Colorado Rockies. You should have known that.
Eibisch: Of course! Why, just last month I took that tour of our nation�s beweries!.

Well, I thought it was funny.

Currently Reading:
The Cases That Haunt Us by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker

The Red Tent by Anita Diamant

Listening To: The Best of The Bee Gees According to Eibisch
Baby, you don't know what it's like to love somebody like I love the Bee Gees!


Have a happy day!

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