...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

French fries and orange juice

June 28, 2002 ... 11:42 p.m.

French fries and orange juice

Hello, friends. I am in a very write-ative mood. Actually, a talkative one, but everyone�s in bed and my cat hates me. Also, this is really the only �private� time (away from my family) I have.

I was at school all morning and guess who I ran in to? Mr. Nastylittletrollman! Of......Mr. Nastylittletrollman fame. He was buying french fries and orange juice. He actually said �Mornin�! French fries and oj--nothing beats it!�

I was like �Perhaps a crowbar?�

NO! I didn�t say that! I am a bad person for thinking it. No, I'm not. Yes, I am. I thought he retired. Maybe it was wishful thinking.

I am at my wit�s end with my sister. She and I had yet another fight tonight. She is horrid to Le Prince.

If he slouches on the couch, she yells at him to sit up straight. If he does so and crosses his arms, she sends him to his room for having an �attitude.� Today, she told him to get his shoes on and, when he asked if he should put on socks, she want ballistic. That�s the tip of the iceberg. Le Prince is absolutely terrified of her. He won�t talk to her, because if he doesn�t know the right word or if he mispronounces it or if he interrupts her tv, she blows up at him. And then she gets angry because he won't talk to her. She refers to him as �the little bastard.� Not to his face, but still.

I joke about punching people in the stomach, but I really don't agree with physical violence or aggression or whatever, but I really wanted to slap my sister today. I just wanted to clock her. And I hate that I felt that way because I really do love her.

Bootsie and I have always been extremely close. Normally, she is somewhat abrasive but has a good heart. She has never had patience, especially with kids. But this...this is a side of her I have never seen. I am really beginning to dislike her. I don�t know what to do. Any thoughts or suggestions?


Have a happy day!

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