...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Alphabets to History--Eibisch Has It All!

June 13, 2002 ... 12:21 a.m.

Alphabets to History--Eibisch Has It All!

Can I just say how cool and smart my brother is? He�s been having some trouble with learning the alphabet. Monday, he got all but N, R, W, X and Y. Tuesday, the only ones he couldn�t get were X and W. Today, knows them all--capital and lowercase. So smart. He's been home just 2 weeks, remember.

Saturday, he braided my hair. He originally put it in a ponytail, but saw that Bootsie had a French braid and decided that I must have a braid. And he did a really good job.

Okay, before y'all are like he was doing your hair!?!?! Let me just add, one of his jobs at the orphanage was to do the little (3-4 y.o) girls' hair.

Okay, my friend sent him a whole box of stuff (he mailed it, so Le Prince could get some mail). Le Prince got a stuffed dog, badminton set, sticker book, an American flag pin (at which Le Prince proudly exclaimed �American Flag!�), a t-shirt with a red, white and blue basketball and...........a super soaker water gun. With which Bootsie promptly absconded. She took it and Le Prince to a park with some of her friends and their kids and (I found out later) gave everyone a turn EXCEPT Le Prince. How cruel. When they got home, she left the gun in her car and he came in and grabbed the empty box. Then he walked around with it saying �No Bootsie. Is Le Prince.� To further make his point, he took his sidewalk chalk out on the front stoop and drew his super soaker and, in English, printed his name over it.

I really can�t explain my sister�s behavior. She has been alternately horrible and wonderful with Le Prince. Okay, not alternately--she�s most often a witch. And, suprisingly, my mom doesn�t have much to do with him. Mom takes him to doctors appointments and does school stuff--but he is pretty much my son, except for legalities. I half expected this, but they are really short and agitated whenever he is around.

But the weather has been really, really, really humid and it�s been rainy. So we�re all cooped up and edgy--maybe that�s why?

I�m back to listening to the radio--my brother really likes the radio for some reason.

I hope it rains tonight. I got a new Jim Croce cd, and it�s best heard when it�s rainy. Actually, it�s best best heard in the rainy daylight on a long car trip. �Have To Say I Love You In A Song� is my favorite.

Isn�t it football season yet?

I�m downloading a ton of songs before Kazaa goes the same way as Napster. I have about 150. I�m a rebel, I tell ya. Of course, I�m not downloading Eminem--I�m downloading songs like �Dance With Me Henry� by Etta James. Hold me back! I�m crrraaazzzyy!

My uncle came over tonight to give my mom some gooseberries so she could make my grandpa a gooseberry pie for Father�s Day. Pardon me while I gag. On the plus side, my uncle is having me and Le Prince go down to his acreage so that we can go fishing. I love to fish. His pond is stocked with bass, huge blue gills...and crappie!! My favorite! MMmmmm....crappie.

I took a bunch of History tests on Wednesday. I have decided that I hate History. No, I don�t, not really. But this teacher picked the most insignificant things mentioned in the textbook. Quick; what date was Herbert Hoover born on? Answer? Who cares?! August 10, 1874--in case you just had to know. Dude, ask me about the Hawley-Smoot Tariff. [The higher tariff, introduced by two republican senators and signed by Hoover, resulted in retaliatory tariff acts from foreign countries, foreign trade suffered, and the depression intensified.]

Thus concludes The Wonderful World of Eibich�s presentation of �Historical Facts You Will Never Need.�

I had a dream two nights ago where my friend Cara kidnapped my cousin�s daughter. And we found her after 1.5 years. But I felt guilty, because Cara was/is my friend and she kidnapped this baby. People, I need a hobby because, even after I woke up, I felt guilty all day.

I have to go to sleep now.


Have a happy day!

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