...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Wednesday, boring Wednesday

March 20, 2002 ... 9:49 p.m.

Wednesday, boring Wednesday

So....I am downloading "The Phantom of the Opera" as sung by Sarah Brightman and Antonio Banderas. Not because I like this particular version. I'm attempting to prove to Mom that casting Antonio over Michael Crawford as the Phantom in the movie would be really, really wrong.

Antonio would probably be fine as Raoul, but Michael is the Phantom. Period.

I need a hobby.

I am back to sleeping in a twin-size bed. At least temporarily.

I won't know about the factory job (which is a gofer type position) until mid-April. The plant is in contract negotiations.

Let me tell you why that's bad. I applied at MCI. The next day, they put a hiring freeze into effect. I applied at McLeod. Next day--hiring freeze. Next week--100+ laid off and talk of bankruptcy. I apply at KMART. They file for bankruptcy and close several stores.

I am beginning to feel paranoid.

Tomorrow is Thursday. More NCAA basketball games. See, this is one of my favorite times of the year. Basketball, basketball, 83 bajillion Nike commercials...and more basketball.

It must be Spring, because all of the stinking birds in the state of Iowa filled my yard to begin their concert at the crack of dawn. It's times like these that I wish I had the vocal talents of Princess Fiona.

It was kind of foggy this morning and, when I woke up, everything outside my window was grey. Except for this splash of bright red in the form of a cardinal, just sitting on the bush right outside my window. It made me smile. Suddenly...*!*KLONK*!* Into the window flew my cat. Just smacked right into the window and ricocheted halfway across the room. It made me laugh.

I hope I get this job. I am trying to save enough $$$ to get a new French horn.


Have a happy day!

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