...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

I�ll take �Eibisch� for 100

January 25, 2002 ... 9:42 p.m.

I�ll take �Eibisch� for 100

I saw another diary/journal with 100 facts about the writer and, since I am a closet klepto, here goes...

1. I have a cat.

2. I speak German and a little French and Spanish.

3. I read French and Spanish better than I speak them.

4. I am 5'3" although my driver's license says 5'4".

5. My middle name is Anne.

6. I know all the lyrics to every Buddy Holly song ever released, by heart.

7. I am a JFK assassination buff.

8. I read a lot. I have hundreds of books (literally), most of which are packed away in boxes for lack of shelf room.

9. I love to travel. I have been to Hawaii (and most of the other states), Jamaica, Mexico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.

10. My mom is adopting a little boy in Russia.

11. My birthdate is March 2, 1977.

12. In real life, I rarely swear.

13. In my diary, I say �damn� and �jackass� way more than I should.

14. My favorite singer is Elvis Presley.

15. I collect Elvis Presley memorabilia.

16. I love sports.

17. In high school, I was on the volleyball and golf teams.

18. I hate golf.

19. I don�t carry a purse, I use a backpack.

20. I always have my discman and the book Jurassic Park in my backpack.

21. My favorite comfort foods are Kraft macaroni & cheese and hot dogs.

22. I snore. Sometimes. Nice dainty, feminine quality to admit to, huh?

23. I don�t like Kirsten Dunst. I try to avoid movies that she�s in.

24. My favorite flowers are gardenias. Love them. Never get them, but love them.

25. I play the French horn.

26. I love �Mystery Science Theatre 3000.� My friend D, aka Instructor #2, introduced me to the show with the episode where they watched Mitchell.

27. I have only been to 6 concerts in my life. 4 were country, 1 was The Monkees ad the other was an oldies revue type. It had a new line up of The Temptations, The Coasters and Lou Christie and others.

28. I love bubble baths.

29. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Bates, she was my 5th grade teacher in elementary school and my 6th grade teacher in middle school.

30. When I make cds or tapes for someone, I teeter on the brink of sanity. I hear hisses/pops/skips in my sleep. I agonize, people, I agonize.

31. I have brown hair and brown eyes. My sister and all five of our cousins have blue eyes and blond hair.

32. I don't like being told how to do something. Back off--I'll figure it out.

33. My favorite pieces of jewelry are my pearl earrings.

34. I have freckles.

35. I vehemently despise Curious George.

36. I love college basketball, especially the Iowa Hawkeyes. But I also root for Missouri and Kentucky.

37. I have $5.12 in my checking account right now.

38. I hate coffee.

39. I am a very loyal person.

40. I know right away if I like someone or not.

41. I have gotten 1 speeding ticket.

42. My parents divorced when I was 3.

43. I swim like a fish.

44. My favorite color is lavender, but everyone thinks it�s green. My sister�s favorite color is purple so, to keep the peace, I go for green, which is my second favorite color.

45. I was baptized Episcopalian.

46. I love deep-dish pepperoni pizza.

47. I could live on sandwiches. Especially bologna & cheese or braunschweiger.

48. As a kid, I HATED peanut butter and jelly.

49. I am really clumsy. Some of the local ER doctors know me by name. I kid you not.

50. My favorite holiday is Christmas.

51. On Christmas Eve (and only on Christmas Eve), I have hot chocolate pudding served over vanilla ice cream. It�s a tradition.

52. I am allergic to shellfish, dust, horses, cats, grass, cockroaches and some trees.

53. I am also allergic to corn. I live in Iowa, people.

54. I don�t like to sleep. I go to bed around 3:00 am and am awake around 8:00 am.

55. I am sloooooowly working towards a degree in Forensic Science. I aspire to be a lab rat.

56. I have not seen my father in 7 years, I haven�t spoken to him in 9. His choice and I don�t care, either.

57. My favorite cereal was �Body Buddies� but since it isn�t around anymore, my new favorite is �Cocoa Krispies.�

58. I don�t eat breakfast at home.

59. I wish I spoke more/better French. I'm learning.

60. I'm learning to knit and crochet. I'm not very good, though.

61. I like cheeseburgers with mayonnaise.

62. The first cd I ever bought was the Jurassic Park soundtrack.

63. I have seen Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves with Kevin Costner 204 times. I wanted to go for an even 205, but I haven�t been able to bring myself to watch it for 5 years.

64. I have an astigmatism.

65. I have ridden on an elephant.

66. I am addicted to "Survivor." Go ahead. Pity me.

67. At the end of third grade, my hair had grown almost to my knees.

68. At the beginning of fourth grade, I had it cut to a chin length bob.

69. I was stupid.

70. My neighbor is crazy. In the summer, she mows her lawn every day in alternating patterns. In a sweatsuit. A purple sweatsuit.

71. I hate snow.

72. My grandparents are the coolest people on this planet.

73. I love to cook, especially made-from-scratch cinnamon rolls. Unfortunately, I have no one to cook for.

74. I seriously dislike the Iowa Hawkeye men�s basketball coach.

75. I am fierce at poker.

76. I love the smell of beer.

77. I kick ass in chess.

78. I always get sunburned in the summer.

79. I�m too nice to people who are mean to me.

80. I believe in the power of prayer.

81. I love Quizno�s Mesquite chicken sub with bacon and extra sauce.

82. My cat hates me.

83. I laugh a lot. I love to laugh.

84. I bite my fingernails.

85. I had my knee scoped in March.

86. My friend plays professional basketball overseas.

87. My favorite vacation spot is Honolulu, Hawaii.

88. My least favorite vacation spot was Montego Bay, Jamaica.

89. Although I've only gotten one speeding ticket, for speeding past a Donutland (seriously), I've been pulled over for speeding 27 times. I get off with warnings because I'm cute...and I burst into tears.

90. My sister is my best friend.

91. I have one sister. My mother is in the process of adopting my brother. I have one step-brother, I think. It depends on whether my father is still married to his 2nd wife.

92. My father�s 2nd wife looks like a leather wallet. Tsk, tsk, Too much sun.

93. I love to go fishing.

94. I lived in North Carolina for a while.

95. If I could live anywhere in the world, I would live in Honolulu.

96. I want to go to New York for three weeks and watch a Broadway show every night.

97. I was baptized when I was 5. The obvious, deep parental concern for my soul is duly noted.

98. I drink between 24 and 48 ounces of Mountain Dew a day.

99. I love The Muppets!!! Pepe ROCKS!! "I have some loose jello, okay?".

100. I want to go white water rafting.

Game tomorrow. Iowa @ Purdue. Must-win for both teams. 1:10 pm (CST)--may be on CBS. I can�t remember and I don�t feel like looking it up.


Have a happy day!

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