...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Another balmy mid-January Iowa morn

January 22, 2002 ... 10:45 a.m.

Another balmy mid-January Iowa morn

I am so sick of my AOL not working properly.

Darn Time-Warner.

Darn AOL.

Darn Steve Case.

I don�t even know why I bothered to buy sweaters or air out my down comforter this year. It was 47 degrees here today. It was snowing in Maui. In. Maui.

Does that make any sense?

No. No, it does not.

The most snow I have seen since last winter was during the Raiders-Patriots game.

I know some of you are like �You don�t even like snow! So your problem with this is?�

It�s the principle.

Mother Nature is playing head games with me.

I am always talking about moving somewhere warmer. Specifically, Honolulu. I love Honolulu. I detest snow and ice and windchill and cold. Now it�s warm and dry in eastern Iowa. And it�s snowing in MAUI!


So now I want to see Sam I Am. I want to give Sean Penn an Oscar for the commercial. And I don�t even like Sean Penn.

I used to watch Buffy, The Vampire Slayer and Angel. But Buffy moved to UPN and I can�t see it anymore. Stupid crappy channel selection. Stupid Direct TV with its unavailable local channels. Stupid WGN for no Buffy re-runs.

And Angel? Please tell me this season will end in a who-shot-JR-Bobby-fell-asleep-in-the-shower-and-dreamed-it-all-up type episode. The only upside to this season was seeing Darla stake herself.

I am about halfway through The Mark, which is the eighth book in the Left Behind series. I read fast. I�ll be reading at night in bed and read one more chapter and just one more after that and one more...and so on.

I made the mistake of going to a local gym to work out Monday morning. My trainer du jour said that going to a gym was so much better than working out at home because it�s easier stay motivated because of all the hardbodies.


First, does any use the term �hardbody� in regular conversation?

Second, why do I need a trainer? Does he need to talk? Can he not just stand there and look unattainably hot?

Third, �hardbody�? I never said I wanted abs of steel--abs of plywood would suit me just fine, thank you very much.

Stupid personal trainers.

I'm all about everything being stupid today, aren't I? Maybe I need some aromatherapy.

Game night tonight. My enthusiasm for this season is quickly waning.

6:00pm (central). ESPN. Iowa & Michigan State.

Iowa tries to rebound from a 2-4 conference start and a pants-down spanking from Northwestern. Will they win? I am thinking.....probably not. I could write about what I suspect are the real problems, but it�d take too long.

Plus, I despise Captain Gel. I can�t be too objective when it comes to that smarmy hypocrite.

Oh, well.

Good news is that RH is supposed to start tonight. Yay for him! Have I mentioned that I find him damned cute?



Have a happy day!

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