...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

This & That & Nothing Much

June 25, 2004 ... 5:36 p.m.

[discussing whether it�s better to be just or unjust]
Philosophy Prof: �Who would rather be poor and powerless, but righteous and just?�
*counts hands*
Philosophy Prof: �Almost all of you. Who would rather be ultra-rich and mega-powerful, but sinful and horribly unjust?�
Philosophy Prof: �Just Eibisch, of course.�

I received a notice that someone had signed my guestbook. I�m not surprised--I know I�m loved.

Oh, shut it.

Chauffi signed. He�s so cute.

The last notify I received was from June 4, 2003. Over a year ago. When Chauffi signed it. There have been 8 messages left since then and before the last. Stupid notify. If I didn�t obsessively check my Guestbook (SIGN, people, SIGN!!) I would have missed so much! Well ... really, I would�ve only missed MeeshaPeesha�s brief forays from my Notes to the Guestbook.


We got the pool all setup and ready and today is the first day in a week that it hasn�t been 66� and/or rainy. So, why am I typing here? Your guess is as good as mine.

Yesterday, I was abandoned dropped me off at school at 5:47a.m.

I had no car--Mom had to drop me off--long story

My Philosophy class starts at 8a.m. The halls were dark and quiet. It was a little creepy. I half expected to run into one of the Scooby Gang, preferably James Marsters. But I suppose I could make do with Nicholas Brendon. Isuppose.

It was raining like crazy--I was soaked through and through by the time I got in the building. By the time class started, it was raining harder and the students coming in were soaked and so was our professor. For class, we watched Star Trek: TNG�s �Measure of a Man�. And then we were dismissed. I took my next class�s test early.

Can I just say that I rocked that Judaism exam? Oh yeah I did!

I was done with school by 9:30a.m. I wandered around campus aimlessly for a couple of hours. I would�ve taken a city bus home but, by the time I did all the transfers, I would�ve gotten home only about five minutes before my mom or sister would�ve picked me up and gotten me home. Fruitless.

I went to the Student Activities office and finally got my student id card. I look really ticked off in the picture, but I don�t know why.

Then I went to the library and watched Like Water For Chocolate. Not bad. I usually go for the dorky type myself, but that Pedro was a hottie. After that, I just sat outside and read my book. It was sunny, but damp from when it rained--yet I saw no mosquitoes.

A couple of weeks ago, after heavy rain and much mosquito hatchlings, the local news interviewed a bug expert who said--and I quote--�There is no reason to worry, these mosquitoes do not carry the West Nile Virus. Only late summer mosquitoes do.� Got that? Can you guess what happened 3 days later? Yep. Three days later--four CONFIRMED cases of West Nile Virus. Gee.

Bootsie and I watched Bad(der) Santa and Kill Bill Vol.1 last night.

I had no desire to see Kill Bill. At all. In point of fact, I did not want to see it. I turned down every opportunity to see it.

Now I�m all Vol. 3 in FIFTEEN YEARS?!?!?! I�ll be 42! Quentin, you cannot do this to me! At 42 I�ll be clucking about the senseless violence and bloodshed that kids nowadays (you know, in year 2019) find so appealing. Bah.

Quentin--you are such a tease!

P.S. Please don't ever lower yourself by "judging" anything on Fox ever again.

Tomorrow, Ernie and I are going to see my all-time favorite Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast at the local IMAX.

Sometime this weekend, I also plan to study for a big test coming up on Monday. In my religion class, we�ve moved to Christianity from Judaism, so I�m confident I�ll do well.

Currently Reading: Lost In A Good Book by Jasper Fforde

Listening To: PWTs
...you�ve been telling lies and I don�t want you anymore...

Have a happy day!

7 ... 8
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