...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

So Much For Decisons

June 08, 2003 ... 10:44 a.m.

So Much For Decisions

Cousin#1: �You�re a girl. Like you would know the difference between an F-16 and an F-18.�

I do and it was an F-18, jackass.

Well, I went to the family reunion yesterday. I know I said I wouldn�t, but I was guilted into it. By my grandma. I got The Guilt...my cousin has cancer and he�s not doing well (chemo once a week, radiation every day). *sigh* Then I got THE BIG GUILT. My grandma has Alzheimer�s (early stage) and readily employs THE BIG GUILT--�But next year, I might not even remember you.�

That is some heavy-duty guilting, my friends. How do you say no to that?

It was a nice day. Lots of babies and young children this year. Cousin#2 just returned from a mission in Holland. He brought clogs and 83 film rolls of tulips.

Do the math. 83 rolls of film X 24 pictures on a roll = 1,992 individual pictures.

And I looked at every one of those photos. Oddly, I am still not a tulip fan.

Some of the older boys went swimming and got attacked. They were just playing at the pool and some other kids came over and started yelling some nasty racial slurs and ripping my cousins� shirts and pushing them around. No one got hurt, at least not our boys. One of the other boys tripped and put his tooth through his lip, but I don�t care. Bootsie had to vouch for them because the Park Rangers were called and the pool lifeguards kept saying my cousins are always starting trouble down there.

Okay. First of all, we go to this park once a year.
Secondly, the kid they blamed for always staring trouble down there, had never been there before.

I waited until we were driving home to ask my mom what the other kids were talking about. What was this race stuff about?

Mom looked at me like I was an idiot. �Um...they�re Mexican-American. They�re Hispanic.�

Oh. Well, to be fair, they are my first-cousins-once-removed-by-marriage or something. I�ve known them for years, I just never thought �Ooo--Hispanic!� I honestly never noticed. And that is either a testimony to my personality or to my obliviousness. Either way, I don�t think it�s a bad thing.

This should piss you off: When we went to pick the boys up the park ranger fluffed the slurs off, saying (and I quote) �Oh, making fun of someone�s race or ethnicity is just like making fun of someone�s weight, anymore. It�s just no big deal.�


But had one of those rangers was black and had we called him the �N� word...I�m willing to bet all Hell would�ve broken loose. But it was okay because they were just Hispanic, I guess.

Currently Reading: Sophie�s World

Listening To: local radio station WMT�s 80�s Time Warp
...if you leave, I won�t cry--I won�t waste one single day...
I LOVE this song!

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