...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Me, Me, Me--It's All About Me!

March 19, 2003 ... 7:01 a.m.

I Am Lazy, Lazy, Lazy

Bootsie: �Ambionic? Amblivios? Ambliance?�

trying to say �ambivalent�

You want to know something about me I haven�t mentioned before? I hate popcorn. Hate it. Thought I�d share.

And because I wanted to post an entry, but I didn�t really want to think of anything original...

...I stole this from Petrouchka, who stole it from JustJill

Name: Eibisch
Sign: Pisces
Age: 26
Height: 5'3"
Eye color? Brown
Hair color? Black

Contacts/glasses? Glasses, mostly
Bedtime: Whenever I feel like--after midnight, mostly
Transportation: 1997 Oldsmobile Achieva
Pets: Tinker, the cat who hates me
Magazine: ESPN, People, In Style
Music: ELVIS, oldies, punk, alt, rock...pretty much anything.
Restaurant: Reynaldo�s and Hacienda Las Glorias (Mexican)
Fast food place: White Castle
Holiday: Thanksgiving
Color: Lavender
What do you look for in a guy/girl: Intelligence, a sense of humor, kindness, loyalty
What�s on your mousepad: Elvis Presley
Traveled anywhere: Jamaica, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Hawaii and many states
Ever been drunk: Not really. I've been really buzzed, but not drunk.
Piercings?: yep
Biggest fear: Bees, wasps, winged stinging creatures. Oh and I have this irrational fear of having a heart attack while I sleep.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years: Ideally? Graduated, married, at least 2 kids
10 years: Still married, more kids
Prized Possessions: teddy bear, doll crib, actual Elvis photos from his last concert
Where are you from? Born: Iowa City, IA ... Lives: Cedar Rapids, IA
Do you have any siblings? 1 of each
Living arrangement: at home...with my mom
Did you go to public or private school? Public
Are you smart or stupid? I�m smart. And totally modest.
Are you a virgin? You know what? From here on out, I am making this a rule...only one person may ask me this and expect an answer. And you are probably not him.
Your favorite TV show? CSI and Survivor
Favorite smells? Lilacs, gardenias, just baked bread, line dried laundry, someone smoking a pipe, grilled meat in the early morning while tailgating
Least favorite smells? carmex--I hate that smell
Worst feeling in the world: I think having someone who once cared for you very deeply not care about you one way or the other.
Best feeling in the world: Haven�t felt it yet...
Favorite soundtrack: Phantom of the Opera
Favorite foods: Macaroni & Cheese and hot dogs, ground beef stroganoff, nachos
Do you get along with your parents? I get along with Mom 75% of the time.
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Favorite ice cream: Chocolate Chip
Do you like to drive? I like to travel by car, but I like someone else to drive. I do like to drive, though.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No.
Storms - cool or scary: cool
What type was your first car: 1985 Toyota Van. Ran that baby into the ground. I loved that van.
If you could meet any person, dead or alive, who would it be? Elvis Presley
Favorite alcoholic drink: mai-tais
Favorite non-alcoholic drink: Mt. Dew
Who is your favorite poet? Oh, I don�t know...Shakespeare? Maybe Poe?
If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? sahm
If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be? Red
Have you ever been in love? No. And I'm okay with that. Really.
What is on your walls in your room? Elvis Presley posters, wallpaper
Favorite movie(s): JFK, An Affair To Remember (Cary Grant), The Wizard of Oz, Gone With the Wind, Monty Python & the Holy Grail
Are you a lefty, righty, or ambidextrous? righty
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Not technically
What's under your bed? nothing
What is your favorite number? 14 and 7
What is your dream car? 1957 Chevy Bel Air hardtop convertible
Favorite type of shoe: tennis shoes
Who are your friends? In real life? Oscar, Robin, Jens, Pinball, Karie, Cindy, Steve
If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would it be? I don�t know.
What were you like at 14? Smart, cute, friendly, semi-popular
How was your first kiss?
How did you meet your best friend? At a pre-7th grade new student orientation
What's your biggest character flaw? I am loyal to a fault. To my personal detriment.
What do you collect? Elvis, JFK memorabilia, Raggedy Ann/Andy dolls
What's the coolest thing you've bought recently? NIT tickets
Do you have a celeb crush? Definitely Jon Seda. Mmm...Jon Seda. Oh, and maybe Jade from AFI. He's a bit of a hottie.
How do you know when it's love? Like I would be the best person to ask?
Who would you want to play you in the movie version of your life? Ashley Judd
What makes you happiest? Music, sunny breezy days, basketball, beaches, children, friends
What do you look for most in the opposite sex? Just physically, at-a-glance? Brown hair. And a nice butt. And some chub--I'm not a 6 pack girl.
What's the best compliment you've ever been given? �You have a good heart.�

Here are a few more...

1. Are you an innie or an outie? innie
2. Have you ever worn bell-bottoms? yep
3. Have you ever written a song? no
4. Can you make change for a dollar right now? yep--in pennies
5. Have you ever been in the opposite sex's public toilet? yes. stupid halftime bathroom lines
6. Have you ever smelled your own feet? yep
7. Do you like catsup on or beside your fries? I prefer cheese, but everything on the side
8. Can you touch your tongue to your nose? nope
9. Have you ever been a boy/girl scout? I was in Brownies during elementary school
10. Have you ever broken a mirror? yep
11. Have you ever put your tongue on a frozen pole? On a frozen chain-link fence.
12. What is your biggest pet peeve? Cheating. Hands down. In any context.
13. Do you slurp your drink after it's gone? Sometimes
14. Have you ever blown bubbles in your milk? When I was a kid
15. Would you rather eat a Big Mac or a Whopper? Big Mac
16. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping? nope
17. When you are at the grocery store, do you ask for paper or plastic? Paper
18. True or False: You would rather eat steak than pizza False
19. Did you have a baby blanket? Yes. I carried it around until it disintegrated.
20. Have you ever tried to cut your own hair? Yep. I cut bangs all the time.
21. Have you ever sleepwalked? No
22. Have you ever had a birthday party at McDonalds? No
23. Can you flip your eye-lids up? I do not know.
24. Are you double jointed? No.
25. If you could be any age, what age would you be? 20. I�d like to do a lot of things differently.
26. Have you ever gotten gum stuck in your hair? Yep
27. Have you ever thrown-up after a roller coaster ride? No
28. What is your dream car? 1957 Chevy Bel Air convertible hardtop
29. What is your favorite cartoon of all time? Gargoyles and The VeggieTales
30. Would you go swimming in shallow waters where, one year earlier, a shark had attacked a child? Yep and I have.
32. Have you ever eaten a dog biscuit? Not knowingly
33. If you were in a car sinking in a lake, what would you do first? Take off my seatbelt
34. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? No
35. Can you pick something up with your toes? No
36. How many remote controls do you have in your house? 5
37. Have you ever fallen asleep in school? Once. In German class
38. How many times have you flown in an airplane in the last year? Zero
39. How many foreign countries have you visited? If you count Puerto Rico, 4
40. If you were out of shape, would you compete in a triathlon if you were somehow guaranteed to win a big, gaudy medal? Doubtful
41. Would you rather be rich and unhappy, or poor and happy? Poor and happy
42. If you fell into quicksand, would you try to swim or try to float? I�d stay still, but I�d probably scream bloody murder
44. Do you ask for directions when you are lost? Yep
45. Have you ever had a Mexican jumping bean? No
46. Are you more like Cinderella or Alice in Wonderland? Alice
47. Would you rather have an ant farm with no ants or a box of crayons with broken points? Crayons
48. Do you prefer light or dark bread? light
49. Do you prefer scrambled or fried eggs? fried
50. Have you ever been in a car that ran out of gas? Yep. Mine. Four times.
51. Do you talk in your sleep? Yep. Frequently.
52. Would you rather shovel snow or mow the lawn? Mow the lawn
53. Would you rather be bitten by a poisonous snake or constricted by a python? I...well...uh...gee...bitten?
54. Have you ever played in the rain? Of course
55. Which do you think is more dangerous: an angry bear or a hungry white shark? The bear. White sharks generally don�t care for humans--we�re too bony. Hi. Me. Dork. For even knowing that.
56. Would you climb a very high tree to save a kitten? Of course
57. Can you tell the difference between a crocodile and an alligator? Yes
58. Do you drink pepsi or coke? Mt. Dew first, Coke second
59. What's your favorite number? 14 and 7
60. If you were a car, would you be an SUV or a sports car? I don�t know
61. Have you ever accidentally taken something from a hotel? Nope
62. Would you blow your nose at the dinner table? No
63. Have you ever slipped in the bathtub? Yep
64. Do you use regular or deodorant soap? I use Ivory
65. Have you ever locked yourself out of the house? Yes
66. Would you rather make your living as a singing cowboy or as one of the Simpsons voices? The Simpsons
67. If you could invite any movie star to your home for dinner, who would it be? Jon Seda
68. Have you ever gotten a truck driver to honk his horn? Yes
69. Which would you rather live with: a huge nose or crossed eyes? Nose. There�s always rhinoplasty.
70. Would you hang out with someone your best friend didn't like? Of course.
71. Would you hang out with someone your best friend liked, but you didn't like? Only if my best friend is there
72. Have you ever returned a gift? No
73. Would you give someone else a gift that had been given to you? No way
74. If you could attend an Olympic Event, what would it be? Figure Skating
75. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 36
76. If your grandmother gave you a gift that you already have, would you tell her? No
77. Do you sing in the car? Yes
78. Would you rather jump into a dumpster or into a vat of honey? Well, duh. Honey
79. What is your favorite breed of dog? Akitas
80. Would you donate money to feed starving animals in the winter? If I was able
81. If you were a bicycle, would you be a stingray or a mountain bike? mountain bike
82. What is your least favorite fruit? Plums
83. What kind of fruit have you never had? Pomegranates
84. If you won a $5,000 shopping spree to any store, which store would you pick? Discovery Kid's Store. Because I am a dork.
85. What brand sports apparel do you wear the most? Reebok, I suppose
86. Are/were you a good student? Yes
87. Among your friends, who could you arm wrestle and beat? None
88. If you had to choose, what branch of the military would you be in? Navy. Like my grandpa
89. Would you ever parachute out of a plane? Yes
90. What do you think is your best feature? My smile
91. If you were to win a grammy, what kind of music would it be for? spoken word. Have you heard me sing? Gah.
92. What is your favorite season? Summer
93. How many members do you have in your immediate family? What is considered �immediate�? 5?
94. Which of the five senses is most important to you? Hearing and sight
95. Would you be a more successful painter or singer? I am a horrible artist and I sing even worse
97. How many years will/did you end up going to college? When all is said and done and added up--slightly over five.
98. Have you ever had surgery? Yes
99. Would you rather be a professional figure skater or professional football player? Football player probably
100. What do you like to collect? Elvis stuff, JFK stuff

Currently Reading:
Jackie After Jack: Portrait of the Lady by Christopher P. Andersen

Listening To: ELV1S


Have a happy day!

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