...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Elvis! Elvis! Elvis!

March 04, 2003 ... 4:57 p.m.

Elvis! Elvis! Elvis!

[my brother has developed an obsession with trying to scare us--he�s not good at it, but he tries daily]
Le Prince: *singing in a seriously deranged manner*
�Happy birthday to you, happy! Happy! HappEEEEE!�
Eibisch: �Stop that. It scares me.�
Le Prince: �Yes! That�s two times! Two times I scared you.�
Eibisch: �I wasn't...�
Le Prince: *interrupts* �Shh. Nobody likes a sore loser.�

I told you I was getting Elvis stuff and Elvis stuff I got. I know I�ve complained before about the effort put into the thought of getting me Elvis stuff. But...eh. I love Elvis.
That said, I got $20 (woo!) and an Elvis plate and an Elvis watch (so preeety) and an Elvis pillow and an Elvis (Aloha from Hawaii--Elvis and Hawaii, can it get any better??) phone case and a JFK book. I also got a sack of marbles from my brother. As he excitedly pointed out, they�re all green!

Okay. Seriously! What makes my screen name scream slut? Because, in the last 48 hours, I have had three guys IM wanting to �hook-up�. When I replied that I didn�t make it a habit to �hook-up� with complete strangers, one guy asked me if I was a virgin. Like that�s any of his business? Like he has any right to ask me that?

Anyway, even though I didn�t say anything else after my �habit� response, all three said basically the same thing...�What�s the big deal? It�s just sex.�

I am having a hard time formulating an adequate response to that right now, even in my head. I was flabbergasted. I am flabbergasted. It was like the final evidence to prove that all the good men are taken or married. Gah. What...I...ugh...just... Gah. Just gah.

I have decided where I am going to transfer. I wasn�t sure about anything and then last night, on a whim, I went to the American Academy of Forensic Science site and looked at the colleges/university programs they listed, and one jumped out at me. I had looked at this school over a year ago for a different program (just Chemistry--not Criminalistics) and they sent me a really neat info packet and even set up a web page tailored to my inquiry. I was really impressed, but with the adoption and my baptism and everything, the school fell by the wayside. I only need 30 hours to transfer.

I haven�t told anyone that I�ve finally decided. I�m excited and feel this is finally the right path. I don�t know when I�ll tell Mom, she still wants me to learn how to edit videos on my computer so I can work from home until I�m dead.

It is snowing here at a good clip. Normally, that would irritate me no end. But, since I�ve made my decision, I�m cool. Ha, no pun intended. Okay, pun fully intended. But there�s snow where I�ll be going and, oddly enough, I don�t even mind.

Currently Reading:
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood by Rebecca Wells

Listening To: oldies
My song obsession still--�Maybe I Know� by Lesley Gore
...I hear them whispering as I walk by, he�s gonna break heart and make her cry...


Have a happy day!

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It's Snowing

Homicidal Tendencies And All

Let The Healing Begin!

Perfectly Crapulent ... er .... Cromulent