...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...


January 10, 2003 ... 10:14 p.m.


[discussing dinner]
Eibisch: �I�m making venison steaks.�
Bootsie: �What! Have you never heard of rationing? We�re getting low!"
Eibisch: "Um..."
Bootsie: "How am I gonna survive when the venison is gone?�
Eibisch: �Well...you could go out with Sean and get some hunting done.�
Bootsie: �If I went out with Sean, hunting would be the last thing I�d be getting done.�
Eibisch: �Aaaarrrgh! My ears! I�ve been struck deaf!!! Aaaarrrgh!�

So. Back to school on Monday. MWF, I have a class from 8-9am and one from 3-5pm. And I will be stuck at school for six hours of.......academic ambience, I guess. Hopefully, I�ll be able to entertain myself in the computer lab. I wonder if they have The Sims. I should �borrow� my sister�s cell phone and amuse myself by making crank calls to Japan. *sigh* You know I�ll be sitting in the library, trying desperately to pretend I haven�t already read 9/10 of the books in there.

I�m such a dork.

I made a deal with my mom last night. For every �A� I get this term (on my transcript, not just papers), she will buy my books for a class this summer. If I get straight �A�s�, she�ll buy them for all my summer classes.


I�m still broke, though.

I think that�s her way of apologizing for the last couple of non-terms. And I think she wants to help me without coming right and saying she thinks I need help.

She�s quite sneaky with the subtext, isn�t she?

Maybe she just thinks I�ll flunk everything.

Ha! Joke�s on her. I am so gonna ace everything!

Except maybe Spanish. I�m going to psych myself out over my Spanish class, aren�t I?

I�ve got the Beatles� song �Here Comes the Sun� stuck in my head.

I love that song. So it�s a good �stuck in my head.� Whatever. You know what I mean.

I watched �Poltergeist� last night. This morning. Whatever. 1-3am. I love �scary� movies and Heather O�Rourke was so adorable. I know this movie forward and backward. It normally fails to scare me. Last night, though....

Okay. Clown doll. Scary, freaky, homicidal clown doll. I knew what was coming. I have it memorized.
Robbie wakes up and looks around.
*GASP* Clown Doll�s chair is empty.
Robbie pees his pajamas. Okay--he doesn�t, but I would. Hey. Scary, freaky, homicidal, free range clown doll, remember?
Robbie looks under one side of the bed. No clown.
Cut to terrified Robbie.
Robbie leans over to check under the other side of the bed .
Suspenseful moment. Jerk up the bed covers. No clown.
Robbie sighs with relief, and leans back.
Eibisch jumps three feet in the air.

And you want to know why? Clowns don�t bother me. But I owned this clown doll. Except mine wore green. And, you know, didn�t try to kill me. The night I first saw the movie, though, my clown was out in the garbage. Smart move. If it wasn�t homicidal before, it was then. But I was pretty cool. We had a deadbolt. Of course, I didn�t take the whole supernatural aspect into consideration. Until now.

Well, I�m not sleeping tonight, thank you very much!

Friday Five

Where are you right now?
At the computer desk in our family room.

What time is it?
9:47pm, CST

What are you wearing?
A red turtleneck, khaki overalls, white socks and red Keds. Yes, I AM the cutest thing!

4. Any people or animals around you? Describe them.
Just Tinker--the cat who hates me. He�s sleeping on the couch. He�s a butterscotch tabby with a white chin and chest and a white & butterscotch striped tail.

5. What are your plans for the weekend?
Basketball on Saturday that I actually scored tickets to. Other than that, I am fairly open. Maybe some grocery shopping.

Ooo--Miss Excitement strikes again!

Currently Reading:
I got nothing.

Listening To: The Beatles 1 I want to hold your hand...!


Have a happy day!

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