...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

More Unorganized Thoughts

August 21, 2002 ... 11:37 p.m.

More Unorganized Thoughts

I know what you�re thinking.

You�re thinking that I didn�t finish The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver by Monday so I neglected to update yesterday in hopes of stalling the embarrassment.

But--HA--you thought wrong! I DID finish it!! At 4:17p.m. Monday afternoon! HA!

What was that?

That wasn�t what you were thinking?

Oh...well...never mind then.

My mom tried to kill us all last night. Well, not really. My mom smokes and last night, when she went to bed, she dumped her ashtray in the garbage. As she has done every night for..oh...over 20 years. Several minutes later, I smelled something burning. We all started freaking out and looking for the source. Turns out one of Mom�s cigarettes wasn�t quite out. And it started burning a plastic baggie. No flames. But the smell. Ew. And then, after it was put out totally, she thought I was a moron for putting the garbage outside. I told her it was just a precaution--I don�t want to end up as Eibisch Flamb�.

Okay. I am NOT happy. Weezer�s live ep, �The Lion and The Witch� is being released Sep. 24. Only to certain stores in certain areas. Independent retail stores.

Apparently, there are no independent retail stores in Iowa.

Well, I guess I could drive into Champaign, Illinois. But, really, that borders on suicidal. I could get beat down just on the suspicion of being a Hawkeye fan. And, while I like Weezer, I also like my face.

And, if you think I am exaggerating...well...you probably don�t know Big Ten sports.

I could drive down to Missouri.

But that�s probably a little excessive for a 6 track ep.

I�ll just wait for it to be put on eBay.

For $112.56


Here we go again. Wake up, Iowa! Captain Gel is running this team into the ground!!!! Have I or have I not been warning that this stuff was going to happen since the day Captain Gel was hired? Hmm? Yes. Yes I have. Since his FIRST damn press conference.

Hate, hate, hate him. Yes, I hate hate hate him.

It�s going to get worse, people. Mark my words. Really, people, the man showed up on Fox�s The Best Damn Sports Show, Period with Bobby Knight (head coach at Texas Tech). I mean, for crying out loud, there�s a photo of Bobby Knight and Captain Gel and he�s (Captain Gel) wearing black and red! Come ON--last season�s Indiana debacle wasn�t enough????

Mr. Alford,

You are the Iowa Hawkeye men�s basketball head coach. You are heading into your fourth season here. Kindly note that IOWA�S colors are black and gold, so as to avoid further question of your affiliation.

Texas Tech = black and red = bad
U of Iowa = black and gold = good

Okay? Got that? Good.

Please resign.

Your most ardent detractor,

p.s. I hate you.

Currently Reading: The The Evil That Men Do by Stephen Michaud and Roy Hazelwood (disturbing but interesting--FBI profilers)

Listening To: Jonny Lang: Lie to Me


Have a happy day!

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