...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

I really should start organizing my thoughts

May 09, 2002 ... 5:02 p.m.

I really should start organizing my thoughts

But I won�t.

I broke down and listened to the radio this morning. It�s an addiction. But I think I�ve been totally cured.

I turned it on around 7 am and the morning dj guys were getting waxed on air. Their backs and legs, I think.

But still. *shudder*

It only goes to prove my theory that all the good men are taken, married or gay.

And the rest are just really, really weird.

Note to dj#2 (CRD--smack him for me): Comparing Jennifer Aniston to a 57 Chevy borders on blasphemy. The car is a classic, it gets better with age, it appreciates. In the future, should you feel the need to liken Ms. Aniston to a vehicle, the Edsel seems more appropriate. Or, possibly, the Gremlin.

Sincerely, Eibisch

I went to Iowa City today, to the library. Met a couple of friends (ING, etc) for lunch at a pizza place. I had a pretty good time, until ING�s friend, Mark, started doing his George W. Bush impersonation. Or, rather, his impersonation of Will Ferrell (from Saturday Night Live) impersonating Dubya.

I managed to keep my pop from shooting out of my nose, but I dropped my slice right in my lap. I was wearing pink and white--not camouflage for pepperoni and pizza sauce!

I pretended that I meant to do it, but I don�t think anyone believed me.

So...I had all my college choices, right? Chaminade in Honolulu, Eastern Kentucky University in (duh) Kentucky and John Jay in New York. All three have the Forensic Science degree program I want. But now I am wondering if I shouldn�t go to just any college and major in Biochemistry. That way my choices aren�t so limited, but I just don�t know.

I am so indecisive.

Of course, the whole college thing may be moot. I am still having no luck in my job search. It is driving me batty, absolutely batty! I�m still trying, though. I am bound and determined to re-join the ranks of the employed.

I also really, really, really want to move out. And away. Far, far away. My mom has one phone line, so I can�t be online more than 20 minutes a pop. I offered to pay (yes, I have a small income--I babysit) for a second line. Nothing doing. She doesn�t want the phone company drilling into another wall?


Um...Mom, the year 2002 called. It wants you to wake up.

I can�t explain it to her. She refuses to try to understand.

It�s so frustrating.

My Uncle George sent me a copy of one of a book he wrote about WWII, mainly focusing on his brother who died in Italy. But he�s written other books and started a couple of others. Nothing published...yet, but it�s good, historical reading.

The people behind us have a dog named Mozart and he�s such a good dog.

Not like my precious little cat who attacked my foot last night and now I have four black and blue puncture wounds, but whatever.

Anyway, they got Mozart a 2 foot high chicken to play with. The owner was outside, saying �Mozart, get your chicken thingy...get the thingy...� He told me his kids hadn�t named the chicken yet. So I suggested �Bach.� Get it? Mozart and Bach. And the sound a chicken makes �Bawk, bawk, bawk.� Get it? It works on two levels!


Hahahahahahaha!! Oh, I slay myself!

Come ON!!! It�s funny! Come on! Bach! That�s comedy!!!

Hey, remember where I live? Cedar Rapids, Iowa--home of former child star Elijah Wood and future pre-trial home of the Pipe Bomber! Woo-hoo! Movin� on up!

Also, big federal case being tried today in CR about schools and the Lord�s Prayer.

I don�t know much about it, though.

Is anyone else excited about Dinotopia? I love, love, love dinosaurs (and Wentworth Miller). Have since I was little. I have dinosaur books, dinosaur encyclopedias, dinosaur documentaries, movies and stuffed dinosaur dolls. When Jurassic Park first came out and Alan (Sam Neill) and Ellie (Laura Dern) get to the island and first see the brachiosaurus...I cried. Yes, I really cried.

I don�t care about computer animation...that scene was awesome.

And, if you ask my sister, I didn�t blink through Jurassic Park III lest I miss a nanosecond.

So, I�m pretty excited about Dinotopia.


Have a happy day!

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