...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Foiled Again!

August 13, 2003 ... 10:43 p.m.

Le Prince: �Eibisch, name all the presidents.�
Eibisch: �Washington, Adams......Clinton, Bush. I�m missing someone.�
Le Prince: �Michael Jackson?�

A bunch of school stuff...

Math Placement Test - 43. I needed to score 51 to get into Accelerated Pre-Calculus. Nuts. But I did score well enough to skip a pre-requisite. And I don�t know how they score this test, either. There were only 8(!) questions--it couldn�t be percentage because I did not miss 3.4 questions. I should�ve triple-checked my answers, but I had to pee. Stupid bladder.

Reading Placement Test - I don�t remember. I can take any reading courses I want. Yeah, I didn�t need this. I was bored and thought, hey, another test! Woo! Yes, I am that much of a dork.

Writing Placement Test - Perfect score. It only took me 7:13 minutes to complete. Now I can test for an exemption. Because I am just that good. Which begs the question--why aren�t my essays scoring better on my History exams?

So now I wait for my final grade in History. And then I go register for Fall term.

Pre-Calculus Intermediate Algebra
Chemistry Lab
College Writing Something...maybe German or French

I was doing the never ending chore that is cleaning my room today and I realized that I have way too many clothes. Especially considering all I ever wear are jeans and t-shirts. And usually just plain white tees. HA! I have an immense collection of Hawaiian shirts. I used to have 15, today I counted 19. Where are they coming from? Why are they drawn to me? I�ve never actually purchased one, they just appear in my closet. Perhaps there is an underground railroad for mistreated Hawaiian shirts and their destination is my closet after a lengthy and harrowing journey with stops at odd, infrequent various fu-manchu-mustachioed-potheads' apartments. What relief it must be to end their harrowing ordeal within the safety and security and plumeria-scented closet.

Also, I have 3 purple dresses. Why? I do not wear dresses. Skirts, sometimes--dresses, no. Purple? My favorite color, yes. But the Eibisch, she don�t look so hot in the purple. 3?! Why do I have 3 dresses, let alone three of the same color?

I don�t even buy clothes. Oh, once in a while I do. But my closet is packed, my dresser is packed and I have 8 tees and 10 jeans on constant rotation.

Le chic, non?

Currently Reading: Maggots, Murder and Men by Dr. Zakaria Erzin�lioglu

Listening To: Plain White T�s, Drawing A Blank, One Life, etc.
...I'm getting so tired of running and chasing after you...
I�m feeling very Chicago-y tonight.

Have a happy day!

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