...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

Candy! Candy! Candy!

October 31, 2002 ... 2:57 p.m.

Candy! Candy! Candy!

Me: �How do you like them apples?�
My brother: *quizzical look* �I like oranges.�

English language learners are fun!

Happy Halloween!


I�m more of a cheese & crackers snacker, myself. I actually don�t care much for chocolate. So unless Le Prince bags some HandiSnacks, I�m out.

Direct TV Freeview for the month of November?



Work is going pretty well. I don�t like the actual work as much as I thought I would. I mean, I enjoy baking at home. I guess it�s different when I�m baking in huge quantities for people I don�t know

But it�s going okay. I haven�t amputated any appendages yet, which is always a good sign.

My learning Italian is going okay, as well. I wish I could learn languages more quickly. Once I get some basic vocabulary down--then it�s full steam ahead. Like with French. I could not, for the life of me, remember how to count to ten. Once I got that--after forever--I picked it up pretty quickly.

So. Bootsie was watching some soap opera crap and I had my music on. Not loud--she could still hear the tv just fine. But it was irritating her. I was here first, anyway.

You�d think we were both 12 years old, wouldn�t you?

My choice of music was really irritating her further. As I knew it would. A little Our Lady Peace, Jimmy Eat World, Weezer, The Kickovers and Uncle Kracker mix. And she hates them all. Hee. She kept turning up the tv, so I kept turning up the music.

See? We�re 12.

Finally, with a huge dramatic sigh, she turned the tv off. She turned to me and yelled �You actually want to listen to your Weezer Hash Pipe crap instead of watching tv?�

To which I replied, �Indeed, I would rather listen to Weezer sing about a drug using gay prostitute than watch �Passions�. But, hey, that�s just me.�

But now she�s at work. Which is cool because I have the house all to myself and can listen to people singing about gay prostitutes or envelope licking or 52nd Street broken down dives or whatever at top volume! Woo!

At least in theory I could. In reality I can�t. Because my media player, which is set to �shuffle�, insists on playing only two songs. Back and forth between Weezer�s �My Name Is Jonas� and The Kickovers �Hanging On The Telephone.� Which are cool songs but, geez, throw me some �Sweetness� already!

My brother is very excited about his first Halloween. He�s going as a vampire. At first, he wanted to go as my friend Oscar, but he settled for a vampire. He was also very surprised that trick-or-treating is at night. Of course, the sun is beginning to set here an hour after sunrise. So he really had no choice. I�m also trying to convince him that Sweet Tarts are good and he�ll want to keep them, but Snickers (Snickers are what I call "good chocolate") are bad and he should really give those to me. I had him convinced until Mom butted in.

Stupid parental supervision.

The boy also got a new hair cut. It�s sort of spiky. And sort of cute. He happily explained that Bootsie cut his hair just �like [my friend] Pinball�s!� (Oh, what? It�s a pseudonym!) Which was slightly disconcerting as Pinball is the prettiest, fussiest, primmest straight guy in the universe! A group of us were going to see a movie and we got to Pinball�s nearly two hours early. Because we know how he is. Seven shirt changes--they were all shades of green and (I think) five pants changes--all khaki. I didn�t know khaki had that many shades. But, apparently, certain green shirts were for use ONLY with certain khaki pants. And, no, he doesn�t often wear jeans--they�re so, as he says, �banal� or �prosaic� or whatever.

Then we had to wait for him to do his hair.

*bangs head repeatedly on nearest wall*

Every little spike had to be just so. He came out every few minutes to ask if he looked okay. I don�t know why he bothered. He never listens. Finally, with 15 minutes to spare, I yelled �For crying out loud, Fabio! MOVE your cute butt!� Pinball emerged from the bathroom wearing, I kid you not, the first shirt he tried on and...wait for it...wait for it...jeans! Not khakis! And his must be oh-so-perfect hair? It looked like he slept on it wet, woke up and put on a pound of gel.

I am so glad my brother has male role models.

In other news...I am a idiot.
Yes, I am.

I have been taking a Music Theory course from the University of Iowa and we had a test yesterday that had 4 questions about the composer Franz Liszt. No problem, right?

I should just stop watching Court TV. They had a show about murderer John List.

See that? List--Liszt.


The question is about A Faust Symphony and all I can think about is that stupid Tiffany ceiling.

Quoted is back. Yay. It makes me happy. Someday I will join the ranks of "Quoted"...oh yes...mark my words....unless Weetabix is going for the high-brow, philosophical quotes. Then I'm screwed.

Currently Reading:
Butterflies of the Night by Lisa Louis

Listening To: whatever I want!!!
*evil laughter*


Have a happy day!

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