...Before you know it, you�re the crazy cat lady in the scary house...

I've ... Got ... A ... Plan

July 24, 2004 ... 6:08 p.m.

Oscar: �I�m glad you�re intelligent. It works for me.�

For dinner last night I made spinach lasagna, as we grew spinach in our garden this year. I fooled around with the ingredients and it turned out heavenly. I am a pretty darn good cook. I just don�t always feel like cooking. Not in the �let�s order out� way, more of the �you do it--Survivor�s on� way.

So, my friend from high school that I�m talking to again. NOT a romantic relationship. It was nice, though--it was a good friendship. He just went to Iowa State and we just lost touch. About 5 years ago.

It�s weird. I wasn�t around when his grandpa passed, he wasn�t around for my brother or my liver ... five years of stuff neither of us were around for. And, yet, when we were on the phone 86 minutes, we briefly caught each other up and then it was like old times. Except he sounds so ... I don�t know ... grown up, I guess. �Eric� was always a little immature, okay--a LOT immature, but everyone has to grow up sometime, right?


Right. I should get on that.

I watched Big Fish today. LOVED it. It kind of reminded me of What Dreams May Come--they both had that other-worldly, fantastical, fairy tale quality--although I watched WDMC twice before I decided I liked it.

I wish every day in my life could be an adventure of that magnitude. I want a grand life. I want to be able to regale my son with unbelievable tales that are, at their base, true.

Also? Good soundtrack. My absolute favorite Buddy Holly song, followed by an Elvis song. God love Tim Burton.

I just thought it was a wonderful movie. Inspirational.

Note to CBS:

You are treading on seriously thin ice with me. You fired Fox. I can handle that because I despise her character and wish Sara would take Holly�s place in Season 1. But, you know, whatever. But then--THEN--you fire George Eads. And for that you must die. Look, I think we all enjoy that wacky Greg, but he is not an equal substitute for Nick. No, definitely not. And then the news that Fox was hired back. Whatever, Les. But no George? A pox upon your house, Moonves! A pox until George�s return! A pox, I say!

Unfortunately I can�t hit CBS with a blanket boycott because of Survivor. But don�t push me, Moonves. ABC has Lost, which looks good, on the same night as CSI: New York, which also looks good. Les, I�m telling you, I will sit through back to back reruns of My Wife & Kids on ABC instead of CSI: NY. Do you understand how serious I am now? Do you? Because I�ll do it! I swear I will!

Rehire George Eads immediately.

Aggravatedly yours,

Currently Reading: Sarah by Marek Halter

Listening To: Buddy Holly
...go out and find yourself a brown eyed handsome man...

Have a happy day!

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